27- WHY?!

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Kim head to his condo first. He match the CCTV footage and the documents. He's out of his mind. He doesn't know how to say this to Vegas. On the other hand Vegas keeps calling him but Kim didn't pick up. It's drizzling outside. Kim doesn't take any car, he started walking slowly to the minor family house. The rain is pouring. Vegas was sitting in the hall waiting for Kim. Kim reached at the house and standing in the doorway. Vegas saw him and rushed to Kim.

Kim: Kim!!!.... Where were you? I've been calling you so many times. Why didn't you pick up?....oh! You're totally drenched. Come on... change you clothes. Then I'll dry your hair.

Kim just nodded. Kim changed his clothes and come back. Vegas took a towel and drying Kim's hair. Kim still looking at Vegas's face without blinking. Vegas noticed it and smiles at him.

- what's wrong with my kitten today? Am I looking that much handsome that my little kitten can't take off his eyes from me?

Kim still looking at him without saying anything. Vegas also looking at him and then Vegas give a little kiss in Kim's lips.

- what's wrong? Will you keep looking at me like this? .... Are you ok?

Kim nodded again and pulled Vegas into a kiss again. Vegas hold him up, Kim wrapped his legs around Vegas's waist. Vegas took him to their bedroom and let Kim lay down on it. They kept kissing as Kim just cried. Tears falling. Vegas apart their kiss.

- what's wrong? Why are you crying?

Vegas wipes away tears with his thumb and caressing his cheeks.

Kim: Vegas.... You're not gonna leave me right? I can't live without you.

Vegas: why you suddenly ask that?

Kim: you're not gonna leave me right? I love you.

Vegas: I love you too. Stop crying, ok. I'm not gonna leave you.

Kim: if...if someday.... I do something wrong.... Will you forgive me?

Vegas: what's wrong with you today?... Yeah... I'll forgive you. And I'll always know that you never meant to do wrong.

Vegas kissed his forehead. Kim hugged Vegas tight.

Kim: I don't wanna lose you Vegas. Please stay by my side.

Vegas smiles back. Then they kiss again and went for further more.

Night skip_

Kim woke up so early and get dressed. Vegas is still sleeping. Before leaving Kim set beside Vegas

Kim: so many wrong things already happened that you don't know. But from now on I'm gonna make everything right as much as possible for me. I'm not gonna let anyone hurt you, Venice or anyone in our family. I promise. I love you.

Kim kissed Vegas forehead and left for the major family. After few moments Vegas wake up as he runs his hand on the bed and found that Kim is not in the bed beside him. It's only 6:24 am. Vegas went to downstairs but he was not there. Vegas call Macau but they're sleeping so he didn't bother. Venice is also in his room sleeping peacefully. Vegas sit down on the couch and suddenly his phone rings. It's Porsche.

Vegas: hey Porsche. What's wrong? You never called this early morning.

Porsche: Vegas, is there anything wrong with Kim?

Vegas: why you ask? Well... He seems so different from last night. Even when I woke up, he's gone. I don't know where he is.

Porsche: Kim is now in the major family house. He looks quite angry. He went to Mr. Korn's room with some papers.

Vegas: in this early morning!! Ok stay there. I'm coming.

Vegas hurriedly went out to go to the major family. On the other hand,
Kim slammed the door of Korn's room where Mr Korn was taking tea.

Korn: Kim...you are here this early.

Kim: I'm here to talk to you.

Korn: That means it's very important. Have a sit.

Kim: I'm not here to sit. I WANT EXPLANATION!!! .... WHY DID YOU DO THAT? WHY!!?

Korn: what are you talking about? (Say with a clam voice)

Kim throw the papers into the table, Korn took it and see at a glance. He just hummed and slowly put down the papers.

- so... you've already find out. What do you want to know?

Kim: You're asking me? .... DO YOU HAVE ANY IDEA WHAT YOU'VE DONE!? YOU... YOU KILLED PETE! WHY? WHY YOU NEED TO KILL HIM PA? He was one of the bodyguard from this family. His grandma send him here because of you. And you just killed him. Why?

Korn: well...I did all the things only for you.

Kim: WHAT?!... Do you know what are you saying?... You...you killed Pete because of me? ... He did nothing wrong with me. He even put himself out of this world. He already started a new life with Vegas and Venice. Why you just ruined everything?

Korn: You know Kim.... You're such a smart young boy more then your brothers. You're the only one who knows every single thing about me. But it's not dangerous for me until someone else knows. So I had to clear everything up.... And this all happens just because of that.

Kim: what do you mean? Why you need to kill Pete when I've already give you all the evidence about Porsche's father's death and uncle Gun's death. You didn't have to cover anything. I'm the one who did all the things then why you have to kill someone innocent who knew nothing about this? I want to know why?


End of this chapter. Trying update fast. Sorry for errors.

Love you all🤍😊

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