24- Gift!

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Kim enter the room. Vegas pulled him into a deep kiss, pushed Kim against the wall. It's tastes like wine because they drink. Kim wrapped his arms around Vegas's nack and shoulders. The more they deep the kiss, it's feelings more hot and sweet. Vegas carried Kim to the bed slightly. They apart their kiss because of shortage of breath.

Vegas: (panting) you taste like... wine....but I love this too.

Kim: (panting too) really?... Then... Taste more of it.

They kiss again. Vegas's tongue is inside Kim's warm mouth, exploring, tasting the bitter sweetness of saliva which mixed with wine. Kim slightly bite Vegas's tongue, Vegas also bite Kim's lower lip and deepen the kiss. Vegas part their kiss and suddenly Kim twisted him and made Vegas lay down under him. Kim grabbed Vegas's both hands tightly.

Kim: you said you'll give me a gift as I want. Can I ask for it right now?

Vegas: yeah but it's almost 1am. How can I buy it at this time?

Kim: don't worry. You don't have to buy it. You can give me right now.

Vegas: if it's possible I'll surely give you.

Kim: well.... I'll be on top tonight...

Vegas: what!?.... But....

Before Vegas could speak, Kim put his index on his lips and kiss on it.

Kim: don't speak. Let me finish first... You know I'm also a top but I became a bottom for you. So this time you have to be my bottom and you also said that you'll give me what ever I want. You can't deny.... I want to see you this caged devil ( running Kim's index form vegas's forehead, nose tip and lips. Vegas took his finger into his mouth) beneath me, moaning, begging for more.

Vegas: really?... (Vegas smirks) You really think that you can make me moan under you?.... Then I'm ready to give you a chance as you want it your birthday gift.... But What if you can't. What will I got?

Kim: I can make you moan under me within 15 minutes, you'll beg for more. And if I can't...then I'll do whatever you want.

Vegas: Ok. I'll give you only 15 minutes. If you can then I'll be your bottom tonight. If you can't you will never be my top again, not even ask. And you have to do whatever I want, you can't step back. Deal?

Kim: Deal.... Shall we start?

Vegas nodded and smirks. Both started kissing each other again. Vegas hold Kim with his arms. Kim bite Vegas's lips. They started unbuttoning each other. Kim started kissing roughly Vegas's nack, collarbones, hard nipples, his well build muscle, leaving bite marks and hickeys. Vegas hold on his moans, running his fingers in Kim's hair. Kim went down, starts rubbing the hard member and took it into his mouth, Sucking. His saliva met with it, made Vegas moan a little from pleasure. Vegas clenched the bedsheet as strong as possible to hold his moans. Vegas release the hot, white liquid into Kim's mouth.

Vegas: ahh...

Kim pulled out, went to Vegas for a kiss.

Kim: you can count from this moment.

Vegas looked at the clock. Kim put his fingers in the mouth, dripping it with his saliva, slowly put his finger into Vegas. Vegas just say out loud because of the pain


KIM: come down babe.... Hold on there.... It's your first time... Soon it'll be pleasure for you.

Kim kissed Vegas to clam him. Kim started moving his hand, then two and three fingers put into him. Within few minutes Vegas loosen a little bit, then Kim put a condom, then pushed his hard member into Vegas.

Vegas: it's still hurts.... (Panting from pain) never thought first time could hurts like this....

Kim: it's ok babe... Almost there.

Kim slowly starts moving his hips, Vegas grab Kim's arms so tight from the pain, bit his lower lip. Tears suddenly falling from his eyes. Kim also kissing and licking Vegas's nack and chest. On the other hand, wipes away his tears and caressing Vegas's cheeks. Vegas looked at the time, it's almost 11 minutes. But still pain. Few more thrusts and Vegas started feeling less pain. Again the thrusts, the pain is now gone by replacing the pleasure. Vegas is feeling so weak over Kim. But the time is over. Vegas looked at the time so as Kim. But they didn't stop. Kim now grabbed Vegas's thigh and moving faster and faster. Gaining little moans from Vegas.

Vegas: ahh .... Kim.... your time is over...

Kim: FUCK!! ... I know but .... I can't move back.... You're so much tight.... The warmth and pleasure from you.... I can't step back.

Vegas: Ahh.... Ki...Kim.... You can.... Keep going.... Ahh... Faster....

Kim: (smirks at Vegas, Vegas's face is red and burning up) as you wish babe...(kissed Vegas's forehead) you don't know how many days I've been waiting for this moment, to hear your voice, to feel you so much.

Vegas pulled him into a deep kiss again and Kim's keep thrusting. Both now starts moaning from pleasure. Kim's looking at Vegas's redden face and watery eyes. Kim starts rubbing Vegas's nose tip with his. They're breathing fast.
The room is filled with hotness and moans from the instance sex.
Kim keep thrusting until they both reached at the climax and both cum. Vegas can feel hotness inside him. Both panting. Kim pulled out himself from Vegas. Kim kissed Vegas so softly.

Kim: thanks babe.... Thanks for giving my gift.

Vegas: hmm...I must say.... it was insane because I've never been a bottom.... You're not bad.... I like this pain and the pleasure...but you took more time... So don't you think you should also keep your word like I did... You already lost the deal.

Kim: yeah I know. I'll keep my words. I'll do whatever you want.

Vegas: (smirks like a devil) then shall we start again... You have to follow my every instructions otherwise you'll get punished. You can't complain or back off........


End of this part. Don't ask me anything 🤐😶

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