5. No More Tears

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Davina watched Daemon walk out of her life for the last time. She was done crying for what could have been. She wasnt weak or fragile. Her heart wasnt broken. 

They said forever too soon and now forever was shattered on the ground at Davina's feet.

"Davina?" She turned around to see Harwin. Perhaps the rebound would be her forever.

"Hello, Harwin." Davina said wiping at her eyes. He moved to her wordlessly and hugged her tight. 

''Daemon left.'' Harwin remarked coming up to Davina. She could only nod as fury built inside of her. ''You stayed.'' Again she nodded turning to face him she pushed him back against the tree her lips colliding with his.

''You want this?'' Harwin asked as his hands kept going.

''Fuck me Harwin.'' Davina demanded their lips crashed together, the two of them meeting half way. he wrapped an arm around her waist and pulled her to him. The kiss deepened in intensity as moans escaped the both of them. Harwin pulled his lips away, kissing down her chin to her jaw, suckling on the skin down her neck. His hands moved to her dress, pulling the skirt of her dress up and away as he searched through her skirts for her. Finding the soft skin of her leg he grasped the limb, raising it up and resting it on his hip.

His hand roamed down over her knee, passed her thighs to her waiting heat. She ached for him, her cunt pulsing at his touch and she hated herself for it. Harwin stayed, he was still here and he still wanted her, after all this time... Kissing her loving her begging her to love him back.

Harwin pulled the thin fabric aside with his finger as he tested her readiness, absorbing her moans with a deep kiss as he slipped a finger inside her, and then another. Harwin pushed his tongue into her mouth as he played with her core, curling his fingers inside her he pressed on her sweet spot, earning a whine of pleasure to escape Davinas lips.

Davina was screaming out, fury building and waning with every kiss silenced her racing thoughts. her spiraling mind, he kissed away all her doubt, all of her pain. He kissed away all her sanity. She couldnt pull herself away. She didnt want to. She was done pushing him away.

"Shhh my love, you don't want us to get caught do you?" Harwin whispered against her lips as he broke off the kiss, glanced left and right, his eyes searching up and down the corridor.

''Davina.'' He whispered and it was a purr from his lips and she pulled him closer. He undid his trousers, releasing his waiting cock. Davina pushed herself onto her tip toes, as high as she could go as Harwin positioned himself at her entrance. Harwin pushed into her. Davina bit her lip to hold in her moans as her head rolled back against the stone wall.

The two panted hard as their bodies moved rhythmically against each other, Harwin's hand searched davinas dress for her other leg, finding it he lifted her by her ass and wrapped the leg around his waist, he pushed her against the wall anchoring her in place as he thrusted into her, her walls tightening around his cock more and more with every thrust, he could feel himself getting close as her dripping cunt gripped his length. Davina wrapped her arms around his neck tightly, burying her face in his neck, his hair tickling her face as she muffled her whimpers against him.

"Harwin." she whimpered breathing jagged, "I'm s-so-" She cried in his ear as she let out breathy moans. Her cries were enough to send him over the edge, Harwin pounded into her just a few more times before spilling himself inside her with one last rough jerk, which in turn caused Davina to reach her release, her walls spasmed against his throbbing cock as her back arched against the wall. Her legs quivered against his waist, the muscles threatening not to hold her weight.

Every kiss was burning hot. 

He held her against the wall as she rode her orgasm, Harwin stood panting against his davina. He let her down gently, caressing the skin of her legs delicately as he placed her down onto unsteady legs. She gripped the wall for support, as she pulled her dress back down around her. Harwin shoved his throbbing cock back inside his trousers, securing it with a pleased sigh. Once straightened out he embraced Davina, cupping her face lovingly he kissed her forehead delicately.

''Just remember something..." Harwin offered holding her face in his hands ''There is someone out there for you. Who has the same dream the same imagination the same kind of soul.... when you find that person you will understand how destructive this relationship is now.''

''I know it's destructive," Davina whimpered. "You are not telling me anything new.'' Davina told him pathetically.

''Davina.'' Harwin whispered bringing his face to hers.

''And that man is you?'' Davina offered.

''I think so.'' Harwin agreed. "Will you let me be that person for you Davina?" Her breath heavy in her chest she looked to Harwin.

''Marry me.'' Davina requested Harwin smiled softly thinking it a joke. She grabbed his chin. ''Marry me Harwin Strong.'' Davina demanded

''You know once you are mine there is no going back to Daemon.'' Harwin warned

''I don't want him.'' Davina told Harwin confidently. ''It took me way to fucking long to see how awful he is. But you have always been sweet and fun and I want your cock in me every day for the rest of my life.'' Davina told him confidently

''I like the sound of that.'' Harwin assured kissing her again and again until her lips were numb.

''Is that a yes?'' Davina asked softly

''Yes. Davina Targaryen I will marry you.'' 


''Don't give your heart away to a woman that already has a broken one.'' Gael, Harwin's youngest brother told him, warned him.  But staring at davina she didnt look heartbroken she looked strong and powerful. Empowered. She turned when she saw Harwin in the mirror. Harwin closed the door leaving Gael in the hall.

''I can go from zero to obsessed in a snap.'' Davina warned crossing the room to him.

''I know.'' Harwin assured running his hands along her arms.

''To happy and laughing to upset but one thing that is certain is that im subject to change Harwin.''

''I know.'' he repeated kissing her gently. "As long as you don't change your mind about me." Harwin told her. 

''You really have no idea what you are getting into.'' Davina mused wrapping her arms around his neck and leaning into him.

''I know full well what you are like Davina.'' Harwin countered. ''And I'm ready. Ready to make you mine.'' Davina chuckled. ''What?''

''I remember a few years back you were telling me you would make me yours.'' Davina recalled.

''No. I told you that you were mine.'' Harwin corrected. ''It took you too fucking long to catch up. I've been ready for you since you flew into kings landing.''

''Wow'' davina remarked blushing. ''Gods you are perfect.''

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