82. But, Davina Wanted her Head

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Davina woke curled into Harwin naked limbs tangled together. She felt Harwin's beard dragging along her skin and she hummed into him as he tightened his grip. 

"I need to tell Aemond... He is going to be so excited." Davina whispered into the early morning light. The sun was barely up. But Davina had never felt so alive. 

Meanwhile Alicent was receiving unfortunate news and told Criston to get Davina immediately but she found herself walking to Davina's chambers instead.

"Davina." Alicent whispered knocking on the door, tears swatted away from her cheeks.

"Alicent, I think Viserys should get some sun today, I think it will be good for him to leave that stuffy room." Davina remarked as she sat up pulling a shirt on as she moved Harwin pulled the blankets up wanting to go back to bed. "I also want all his linens cleaned again. It smells like death enough in there." She remarked. "I also need to speak with Aemond but maybe it should come from you-" Alicent sat on the bed leaning into Davina. "What happened?" Davina questioned running a hand through her hair.

"The king is dead." Davina couldn't process the words she spoke. Harwin sat up hugging Davina confused as well.

"What?" Harwin questioned. 

"The king, Viserys... He is dead." Alicent whimpered and Davina felt her heart stop.

"No... he's..." Davina felt dizzy, Alicent felt tears fall from Davina and onto herself. Harwin held to Davina as she couldnt sit up by herself.

"You're sure?" Davina questioned and Alicent nodded once and a sob escaped Davina's lips.


"We saw him last night... before he..." Davina leaned back in the chair, a shaky breath on her lips as Harwin massaged her shoulders. ''He told us he wished for Aemond to be king." Alicent relayed softly thinking maybe it was all a dream but Davina nodded distantly. ''It is the truth. Uttered with his own lips. His last words to me and now he's dead.'' Alicent whispered. "What if they don't believe us?"

"We were not the only one to hear it though." Harwin reminded her. Criston looked to him. "At dinner, he declared it."

"What?" Criston questioned.

"He said that Aemond would be a good king." Harwin recalled. Davina nodded her head spinning, that's right he did. He declared it through broken breaths even then. 

"He's dead.... I don't want him to be gone." Davina whimpered. But she was the hand and she had to get herself together. Harwin held her as she sobbed before wiping her eyes. There was much to be done and Davina had to push her heart aside for the moment.


''What is it that could not have waited an hour? Was Dorne invaded?" Tyland mused as they gathered around the council table.

''The King is dead.'' Davina told them all. Alicent sat at the kings seat silently. Tears in her eyes her hands clasped on the table. Davina couldn't believe he was gone. Viserys had been in her life her whole life. He was her big brother, he became her closest friend and biggest supporter. 

Davina loved him, she honestly never thought she would love Viserys again after the first few husband disasters but she did. she loved her brother and now he was just gone. Alicent picked at her nails, making her cuticle bleed. Davina reached over and grabbed her hand she glanced up at Davina, Davina's own vision hazy with tears.

''We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful... our king... our friend... my family. But he has left us a gift.'' Davina went on calmly. ''With his last breath, he impressed upon ALicent and myself his final wish... that his son, Aemond... should succeed him as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." There was a small sigh of relief as the council was eager to get this started for Aemond rule.

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