19. You Like Crazy

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''Don't ever think I fell for you, or fell over you. I didn't fall in love, I rose in it." Harwin told her and Davina stared at him another breathless moment.

"If this whole muscley, strongest man alive thing doesnt work out you Harwin I think a poet is in your future." Davina remarked.

"Oh? Yeah I should gain a beer belly and start writing?" Harwin mused and Davina's face scrunched up.

"Please don't." Davina countered.

"Are you saying you only married me for my body?" Harwin teased.

"Well it certainly was an added bonus." Davina agreed nodding.

"Oh... I see how it is." Harwin remarked.

"Do you? Good, I don't want to have to explain it to you. You're a smart man." Davina teased.

"You insult me and compliment me in the same breath." Harwin remarked.

"It is a skill, ask Viserys. I'm great at it. A real skill." Davina agreed.

Haenry was babbling with Aemond in the corner of the room.

"Let's hope they don't get that skill." Davina mused.

"Lets hope they do." Harwin countered kissing her.

"Goodness, watch your hands." Davina teased as his hands slipped down her back. "There are children present." Davina reminded him kissing him again.


"Draeya... do it again. Show daddy." Davina encouraged. Draeya babbled out laughing and pointing at Fury.

"What is she supposed to be doing besides being adorable." Harwin asked.

"Just wait..." Davina instructed. Draeya leaned forward and kissed Fury's nose. Harwin knew that Fury was Davina's baby, that he probably wouldnt hurt his children but they still terrified him at times. Fury could eat Draeya in a single chomp. But Davina smiled back at Harwin and all his worries faded. She reached out a hand for him.

"Come on, Fury's days of frying husbands is long passed." Davina assured.

"That..." Harwin let out a breath. "Really love that statement davina." Harwin mused sitting down behind her. She leaned back into him as Draeya leaned against Fury, a big smile on her little face.

"You like that Drae?" Davina asked and Draeya put her arms out touching more of Fury. Fury looked to Davina before putting his head down.

"I'm assuming Draeya is just like you." Harwin remarked kissing her neck.

"Viserys always said after my mother took me riding for the first time- one, my father nearly had a conniption, but I would cry and cry until I was near the dragons. Once Fury hatched-" she leaned forward running her nails along his scales. "-we were inseparable.. Still are."

"Did he sleep in bed with you too?" Harwin teased.

"Yes actually." Davina confirmed. "I didn't want him to be out in the dragon pit. I thought that was so dreadful, he was my baby and he needed to be where it was warm."

"You are crazy, you know that?"

"You like crazy." Davina purred reaching a hand back, wrapping it around his neck as he kissed at her neck.

"I love you." He whispered wrapping his arms around her.  


"What is that?" Harwin asked looking to Draeya. "What is she doing?" Harwin looked between Davina and Dreaya. "Davina... is she alright? are you alright?" Harwin asked. 

Draeya's little hands were fisted on her thighs, her face scrunched up, lips puckered towards Davina. 

"I think we are having a staring contest." Davina remarked. "But she also blinked at least a million times." Davina countered. "Maybe she is trying to shit."

"How long have you two been like this?" Harwin chuckled. 

"I dont know." Davina admitted. "I was reading and then she crawled up and sat down across from me, at first she was laughing and then she started this... what ever this is." Davina remarked as Harwin wrapped his hands around her, she leaned back into him. 

"Haenry and Aemond are so cute together." Davina declared. "But Draeya is a mama's girl." Davina reached out a finger tapping Draeya's nose and she giggled tipping back, Davina pulled Draeya to her. 

"You want another?" Harwin whispered kissing her neck. 

"Right now?" Davina requested grabbing his jaw and bringing his lips to hers. 

"Right now." Harwin agreed. 

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