65. Eliminate

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Davina didnt like spiders. She hated them actually. Draeya was fearless. But Vaera and Haezel were very much in the oh fuck spider Im going to die boat as Davina.


''Harwin thats daddy duty. Im not spider woman.'' Davina informed him confidently.

''You are not going to rescue your girls?" Harwin countered as they moved.

"Daddy! Spider!"

But when they got there Aegon had killed the spider and saved the day. Vaera clung to him happily.

''My hero.'' Vaera whispered.

'You know you mama is terrified of spiders. Always has been.'' Viserys remarked when told of the spider incident.

''Mama isnt scared of anything.'' Haezel corrected.

''Fucking spiders.'' Davina murmured.

~Many years ago~

Davina was fearless, everyone knew it. Her mind was focused on two things. Fury and cake. She had complete dedication to her training and dragon riding, less so in her studies but Viserys helped her and rewarded her with carrot cake after a successful lesson.

Davina always had to be the best and she prided herself on her bravery and dedication to being the best.

But there was one thing that Davina feared most. She couldnt help it they terrified her and she became paralyzed. She tried to be brave but something was hardwired in her brain that made her freeze.

A shaky breath in her chest as her eyes locked on the monster getting closer to her. She wanted to run but then she would have to burn her room to the ground if she didnt find it, if someone didnt find it. She might have to move off Dragonstone all together.

"Daddy!" Davina screamed and her voice echoed, for all that heard her would have thought there was an intruder, that she had a knife at her throat and she was being pulled apart.

"DADDY!" Davina shrieked out terrified. Baelon came sprinting down the hall ready for an attack sword in hand he looked around to see a petrified Davina standing on the table. "DADDY KILL IT!" Davina demanded. Baelon looked around but Davina was very much alone. "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR KILL IT!" Davina demanded. Viserys peered in hearing Davina's screams.

"Dav what's wrong?" Viserys asked glancing around.


"What?" Baelon asked lowering his sword.

"The... Spider..." Davina rasped raising her hand and pointing a finger at the wall. "Kill... it..." she whimpered.

"Get your sister down please." Baelon remarked calmly as he moved across the room.

"Be careful." Davina instructed Baelon as Viserys grabbed her from the table. She clung to him not wanting to touch the ground. Baelon fisted his hand and slapped it against the wall. "GROSS!" Davina declared.

"You wanted me to kill it." Baelon countered.

"Not there is spider guts on my wall." Davina whined. "I can't sleep here."

"Davina its gone." Baelon assured. "Daddy to the rescue."

"But there could be more and if there are more they could crawl into my mouth and nose and ears in the night and lay their creepy eggs in me and then I would turn into a spider or-" A shiver went through Davina's spine.

"All gone." Baelon assured.

"Spiders don't let wet dark holes, the likeliness of them crawling into your mouth is so slim." Viserys remarked.

"Slim." Davina agreed as though Viserys had made her point instead disproving her theory.

"I will send someone to clean your room." Baelon remarked. "Clean the wall and remove all the spiders."

"There are more!" Davina was hyperventilating as she leaned into Viserys.

"You did great." Viserys teased.

"Save me Vis." Davina whispered as he walked them out of the room.

"Where is my thank you for killing your little monster?" Baelon mused.

"Are there spiders in your room too?" Davina whimpered.

"No, my room has no spiders." Viserys agreed.

"Great, I'm staying with you until we handle this spider infestation." Davina informed him.


Davina was serious about wanting to make a change at Dragonstone and the whole of westeros. Her tiny terrors needed to be eliminated.

Their father was hand of the king, their grandsire and Davina said she needed to speak with the king about an important matter.

Once at the capital Davina demanded the council be present. Daemon, Viserys and their parents sat around the table along with King Jaehaerys and the council. Baelon apologized to his father the king when Davina took the kings seat.

"Must be important." Jaehaerys remarked as Davina stood on the chair so everyone could see her.

"Davina certainly thinks so." Baelon agreed.

"Thank you all for coming." Davina declared. "I come to you today with saddening news." Viserys leaned back in his chair knowing where Davina was going with her proclamations. "The enemy is all around us. We can try to avoid them but they are everywhere, they hide in corners and come out and get you when you least expect it."

"An enemy?" Jaehaerys asked Baelon.

"They grow in numbers every day, we must put a stop to them before they take over westeros and kill us all!" Davina went on.

"Where is this enemy from?" Beesbury questioned.

"Thats the thing." Davina told him. "No one knows where they came from but they are everywhere, they infiltrated Dragonstone and I saw one here in this very castle."

There was a murmur of worry as Viserys chuckled. Daemon stared up at Davina, commanding the room.

"They hide in the shadows and must be stopped before it is too late!" Davina declared.

"Who are these people Princess?"

"They are no people." Davina corrected leaning towards them, she was entirely serious when she declared. "The spiders must be eliminated."


''That is adorable.'' Harwin declared as Davina hid her face in his chest.

''Your tiny terrors.'' Alicent chuckled.

"They are terrors!" Davina agreed. "Helaena had a big ass spider at driftmark. Gods she touched it, let it crawl on her I thought we were going to need to do an exorcism to cleanse her of the spider germs."

"An exorcism?" Harwin countered. 

"Yeah, those things can crawl in you and-"

"La, la, la!" Vaera shouted covering her ears. "Don't say such things!"

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