92. See My Fury

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"What is your word, your grace?" Criston asked and Davina looked to Aemond. But he remained quiet.

"You are the King my love." Davina reminded him. "What will you do as your first command?"

"All the great houses are loyal to you and me, their new king." Aemond told her. "They are loyal to us but we need someone we trust to control the bend, the seas. Whoever holds the step stones can cut us off, leave us without food or supplies."

"talking like a king already." Davina remarked resting her cheek on Harwins shoulder as she looked over at all her babies. All grown up and ready to rule. Davina straightened up and looked to Aemond she ran her hands down his face, shoulders and arms holding onto his hands.

"What do you need mama Dav?" Aemond whispered resting his forehead against hers.

"I'm so proud of you. All of you... Seamus I think the boys wanted to see someone." Davina remarked.

"Of course my princess Hand... that sounds funny." Seamus remarked as he walked off. "Lord Hand, Lady Hand..." he murmured.

"Davina doesnt like titles." Criston remarked. "Ignores me when I call her anything except Davina actually."

"Finally listening I see." Davina agreed.

"What of us?" Luke asked nervously.

'Stay here Jace. Stay here Luke, stay  here... home.'' Davina instructed holding out a hand for Joffrey. They stared back at her, smiles on their faces. Home. A real home with someone that has always loved them. ''You know I loved your mother a long time ago long, long, long time ago and even though your mother and I evened on... bad terms." Davina offered gently.  "I have always loved the three of you."

"I want to stay with you mama Dav." They declared hugging her tight.

"Special delivery." Seamus remarked.

"My boys." Laenor declared.

"Dad?" Luke questioned confused. "I thought..."

"I'm so sorry I left." Laenor declared dropping down to a knee before them. "I never should have given up so easily. I thought it was for the best... for all of us."

"Mother didnt give you a choice in the matter." Jace realized. "It was leave or be killed by Daemon." Luke's jaw dropped.

"I suspect so." Laenor agreed. "I never thought I would see you again." Laenor rasped as he reached out for Luke. "I'm so glad I'm here though. Can you find it in your hearts to forgive me?" Luke stepped forward and hugged Laenor tight. Laenor sighed into him.

"I can think of no better person to rule over driftmark than the heir of Corlys himself." Aemond remarked happily.

"I do love you father." Jace remarked. "But my place is with mama Dav. This is my family too."

"I would never make you choose." Laenor assured. ''I know what a good mother Davina has been to all of you. But I want you to know I'm here too. For whenever you might need me."


"I'm telling you now. I'm in charge." Draeya declared.

"As if we havent known that for..." Haenry looked to Aemond.

"Forever." Aemond agreed.

"Great!" Draeya agreed. "Glad we established that. Oh Mama!" Davina spun around. "Now don't get me wrong, having two weddings would be really awesome-"

"It's not." Davina countered.

"Right, well. I meant two weddings to the men I love." Draeya corrected.

"And I am so happy for you my love." Davina assured. "But you don't want to go all black brides of death and stupidity like Maegor did."

"I take offense to that." Laenor remarked.

"Not beautiful like you." Davina corrected. "Learn your targaryen history. Perhaps if his wives were not pasty white bimbos one of them would stood up to him sooner." Laenor nodded slowly. "But maybe not considering how easily you fled." She teased.

"Can we get back to me?" Draeya corrected.

"Yes, yes, back to you. Always you." Davina agreed.

"I want cake. Carrot obviously." Draeya declared. "I want dancing, I want to dance all night long!"

"Not all night long." Haenry countered. "Right Drae?"

"I still dont like this." Harwin admitted.

"You dont have to as long as Draeya is happy." Haezel assured as she walked up with Jace. Hand in hand.

"Because if you refuse her of what she wants she might try to Dracarys your ass, daddy." Vaera added.

"And we all know you are not fire proof." Davina agreed.

"Can we stop ganging up on dad?" Harwin countered.

"Just a thought daddio." Vaera remarked.

"What's that look for?" Harwin questioned.

"What look? This is just my normal beautiful face." Vaera assured.

"Dav." Harwin countered.

"Not a word you are sworn to secrecy!" Vaera reminded her. Davina twisted her lips as her gaze shifted to Harwin. "MAMA!"

"Davina," Harwin begged.

"Aegon kissed Vaera!"

Everyone turned around to see Aelyx smiling and laughing.

"Aelyx!" Vaera declared.

"Was it a secert?" Aelyx countered.

"Aegon." Harwin growled.

"Oh fuck, you better run." Valyria declared as she looked to Aegon.

"Mama Dav..." Aegon rasped as he took a step back.

"My little girl." Harwin took another towards Aegon.

"Mama Dav, don't just stand there. He might kill me... he might..." Aegon whimpered.

"Daddy, I love him." Vaera corrected.

"You are too young." Harwin corrected.

"Haezel." Vaera begged and Haezel pulled Jace closer and kissed him.

"Fucking hell." Daeron muttered.

"Reprimand Haezel, shes just as young as I!" Vaera declared.

"Jace is your age." Davina countered.

"Not helping." Aegon declared.

"Gotta love family." Alicent remarked as Harwin narrowed in on Aegon.

"I love the fury in your eyes Harwin. Only makes me love you more... but lets not kill Aegon." Davina remarked. Harwin moved to Davina kissing her fiercely.

"I thought it was about time you saw my Fury."


My tears ricochet/ Alicent Hightower - Davina spin off is out now!
Oh my goodness! Davina is going through through the whole cast!


Make sure to check out all the Davina fun in
Reputation /viserys / daemon
Fire and Blood / Daemon
The younger years and time skips of ^ books Sweet nothing & bitter sweet.


Fury // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now