24.Egg Hunt

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Epiphany // Alicent Hightower out now!!

One hour earlier...

"Alright." Draeya declared as they got to the dragon pits. "I find the best one." Draeya told them. 

"Can I look too?" Aemond asked. 

"Of course, Aemond." Harwin agreed. Draeya marched right into the dragon pits. She always did. 

"Dada, I want Chama to sleep in bed with me." Draeya informed him. 

"I don't think that's-" Harwin began, he heard the grumble and gurgle of dragons rumbling around. 

"Mama said Fury slept with her until he got to big for her room." Draeya countered. "I want to be like mama, I dont like Chama out here all by herself." 

"If Draeya gets to bring-" Haenry began. 

"No." Harwin told them both shaking his head. "No."

"I will ask mama." Draeya told him. "She will say yes." 

"So confident..." Harwin remarked. His kids certainly had Davina's bravery. "Come on Aemond." Harwin said holding out a large hand for him. 

"Will I ever get a dragon?" Aemond asked softly but his voice echoed through the cave. 

"Of course!" Draeya called back. "We were lucky, our eggs hatched early. Yours can too." Draeya told him confidently. 

"Draeya slow down honey." Harwin called as she got farther into the cave. "Draeya!' 

"Hi Fury!" Draeya declared running a hand along his scales. Fury looked to Harwin as he got closer. Every time Harwin came down here he liked Davina here when he got to Fury. The other dragons he was okay with but Fury had been known to burn previous husbands and Harwin didnt want him to think Harwin was his latest chew toy. 

"Hello... Fury... nice to see you again..." Harwin said moving Aemond quickly past. He didnt like how Fury looked at him. His large head followed Harwin. 

"Fury is a big baby dada." Draeya assured. Haenry was chasing after her. He didnt think Fury was scary either but Davina had taken them flying with her since they were infants. 

Every time Harwin spoke with Viserys he would say that Draeya was more and more like Davina every day. It was a wonderful and terrifying thing. Davina, Harwin loved her, but Davina was spontaneous and rebellious and so fucking sexy. 

He wanted Draeya to stay his little girl forever. Seeing her acting more like Davina was adorable but also gave him a worrisome feeling that she was in for a long road of ups and downs and falling for all the wrong men. But she didnt seem to love Haenry as Viserys told him Davina loved Daemon. 

Haenry and Aemond chased after Draeya, were constantly at her side but Draeya seemed more interested in bossing everyone around than boys. 

"I found one!" Haenry declared and Draeya ran to him looking it over, she plucked it from his hands, looking it over carefully. 

"No." Draeya told him seriously as she put it down at their feet and ran off again. 

"I think it's a nice egg Haenry." Harwin offered as Aemond let go of his hand and followed after Draeya. 

"Draeya is the boss." Haenry told Harwin seriously as he too chased after Draeya. 

"Oh, good to know." Harwin murmured. "Not daddy's the boss or mama's the boss, nope. Draeya is the boss." 

"Draeya?" Aemond asked picking up an egg. "What bout this?" 

She took it from him, her face in deep concentration. She sighed handing it back to Aemond. 

"Possibility." Draeya told him as she peered for the perfect egg. 

Harwin didnt know how long they were wandering but when he heard the dragon's start grumbling, ready for their meals he knew it was best to get out. 

"Draeya, you find one yet love? We have to go." Harwin said searching for her, she kept getting deeper and deeper into the pit. "Draeya?" Harwin called his voice echoed. "Where did she go?" Harwin asked Aemond and Haenry they pointed both too afraid to go in that deep. "Alright you stay, right here." Harwin told them and they grabbed hands. "Draeya time to go, come on back." Harwin declared but he didnt see Draeya he saw two red eyes staring back at him. "Dr-Draeya...." Harwin demanded when he heard her humming, she skipped through the darkness. Coming right through the dragons legs holding out an egg. 

"I found it!" Draeya declared. The red eyes creeped back into the darkness and Harwin picked Draeya up holding her close. "Squishing... me!" Draeya declared. 

"I told you to come back." Harwin told her kissing her face all over. 

"I found it!" Draeya repeated. "I don't know why you worry." Draeya told him. "It is perfect." 

"Seven hells," Harwin muttered leading them out. "Give your dad a heart attack." Harwin told them. 

"That's Rag-na-rok." Draeya informed him breaking up the big word as she spoke. "His rider isnt here, he went to help the snow people." 

"The... wildlings?" Harwin asked and Draeya shrugged. 

"He's huge!" Draeya told him. 

"Really big, dada." Haenry agreed. 

"I saw... I was worried about you." Harwin told Draeya. 


"Because dragons are dangerous." Harwin reminded her. 

"No." Draeya told him seriously. 

"Yes. Just because mama has hers trained so well, doesn't mean-" Harwin began and Fury stared at them, moving his head, watching their every move. 

"Bye Fury." Draeya said giving him a kiss. Harwin felt his heart racing as he looked to Fury then little Draeya. So fearless like davina. 

Fury // Harwin StrongWhere stories live. Discover now