28. Charming

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"Vaera... Vaera... Vaera..." Draeya sung out as she stared down at her little sister, waving her hands around and making faces down into the crib. 

"Mama Dav?" Aemond questioned and Davina chuckled picking him up. Aemond spent more time with Davina and her kids then he did with his own siblings, Alicent wasnt really a people person it seemed. 

Davina didnt entirely blame Alicent. She was a child when she married Viserys. Brought children into the world as a child herself. Davina knew Viserys wasnt anyone's dream man, at least not now. Aged and withered with disease but he was still a kind man and had a good heart. Tried to be a good father. 

"What if Vaera and Haezel's egg's hatch before mine?" Aemond asked Davina concern filled his little face. 

"I will get you a dragon." Davina assured. 


"You want to go on a dragon hunt?" Davina offered. Aemond stared back at her. "I know the cave where Grey ghost likes to hide, but he is a scaredy cat. Silverwing is a sweet but she moves around a lot." 

"We could go? Find a dragon?" Aemond asked her confused. He didnt know he could just go and find one. 

"I mean four years are big kids." Davina offered. "I'm sure Maleficent wouldnt mind."

"Who?" Aemond asked scrunching up his face. 

"Right Harwin?" Davina called back to him. 

"Right." He agreed not knowing what he was agreeing to but it was better to agree with Davina. She was usually right. 

"See?" Davina said happily. 

"I don't know... it sounds scary." Aemond admitted and Harwin turned to them. What had he agreed to? 

"What sounds scary?" Harwin asked. Davina looked to Haezel drooling on Harwin's chest. She ran her hand down Haezel's back, fingers grazing her little black tuffs. Davina looked to Draeya still making Vaera giggle in her crib. 

"Mama Dav wants to go on a dragon hunt. Get me a dragon." Aemond told him and Harwin shook his head as he cleared his throat. 

"No... No... that's... no." 

"You already agreed." Davina countered innocently.

"Davina, he's a baby." Harwin reminded her. 

"No, this little cutie is a baby, Aemond is a big kid." Davina corrected. 

"I'm a big kid." Aemond agreed leaning into Davina. 


"No." Harwin said again. "What you are older, maybe." he countered. 


"If I'm not going on a dragon hunt I have another little hunt to go on." Davina remarked passing off Vaera. 

"Hunt?" Harwin asked. "You just had twins-"

"A few moons ago. I'm perfectly fine." Davina assured. 

"You are fine." Harwin agreed kissing her. 

"Charming. I'm going to have to start calling you Charming." Davina remarked. 

"What are you really doing?" 

"I'm staying in the capital. Be home before supper even. I just have to..." she rummaged through her drawers at the very back her fingers grasped the necklace Daemon had given her so many years ago. She fisted it in her hand. "-Handle something that I really should have done years ago." 


"Don't worry." Davina assured. "I-" kiss "-will-" kiss "-be-" double kiss. "-back soon." SHe assured kissing Vaera's little cheek she smiled back at Davina. 

"I don't like when you go out with that look in your eye." Harwin called after her. 

"What look?" Davina mused turning around with her sweetest of smiles. 

"Be careful." 

"It's like you know me." Davina chuckled as she left. 

"Princess." Criston remarked and Davina groaned. "You know I like saying princess, because I know you don't like when I say it." Criston mused. 

"What do you want Cole?" Davina countered not slowing down. "I'm on a mission." 

"A mission?" Criston mused. "What sort of mission?"

"I got murder on my mind." Davina informed him. "Do keep talking though I'm sure I won't snap at you." She teased glancing over at him. 

"The queen wanted to see you." Criston remarked. 

"Well she will have to wait unless she wants me to take my need for blood out on her...." Davina told him. "And you can tell her I said that." 

"I'm going to say I couldnt find you." Criston countered. 

"Smart." Davina agreed as she kept going. 

"Where is mama going?" Draeya asked watching her get on her horse and head out of the gates.

"She said she was... meeting an old friend." Harwin offered. 

"Why can't I come then?" Draeya asked. "I'm everyone's favorite." 

"You are." Harwin agreed. Harwin looked to Haenry and Aemond, they looked like Draeya's little body guards. They followed her around everywhere. Did as she commanded and were deeply and madly in love with her. Harwin could see why, he fell for Davina after all. 

"You boys want to play in the yard?" Harwin asked. They looked to Draeya. "You don't need her permission." Harwin reminded them. 

"Yes they do." Draeya corrected. Harwin looked to Vaera and Haezel, he loved Draeya, he loved her so much but he didnt know if the world could handle three more Davina's. 

"Draeya." Harwin tsked. 

"What? It's not my fault. They need me." Draeya assured him. 

"It's true. We do." Haenry agreed. 

"You play with your sisters." Harwin instructed. "You two." He put a hand on the boy's shoulder. "We are going to train." 

"But Draeya-"

"She will be fine. I think some distance will be good for you two. Learn to stand on your own." Harwin informed them. 

"But Draeya-" Haenry began. 

"Is fine. Perfectly fine." Harwin assured. "She is tough, lets toughen you boys up so Draeya isnt fighting your battles for you your whole life." 

"She is a scary kind of beautiful." Aemond whispered. Haenry nodded in agreement. 

"She is. She gets that from your mama." Harwin agreed handing them light sparing swords. "Come on. Show Draeya you are men!"

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