4 | Drunk

96 7 11

Katsuki Bakugou

Ever since high school, Bakugou had been on a fruitless journey to find a partner that would become his betrothed. However, it wasn't until his final year in high school that he discovered and came to terms with the fact that he had no interest in women; he was attracted to men. He was cognizant that the world was a diverse place, but he frequently wondered if it was possible that he would find not only a man that met his interests, but a man that was gay as well.

So, when Bakugou saw a charismatic man—he soon learned that that man was Todoroki—stroll into his workplace, he did not dither in his endeavor to find out if his criteria could be met. He'd managed to go out with a few men from working as a bartender, but all of his relationships ended up in a breakup. His most recent relationship ended eight months ago.

Once Bakugou learned Todoroki's name, he thought, Fits him. But I can't help but wonder why he doesn't really speak. Met quiet introverts before, but never anyone like him. He rested his elbow on the counter. And what the hell happened with whoever he was married to? That, and the big-ass mark on his face.

"Come to bars often?" Bakugou asked while Todoroki's glass clunked down onto the bar table.

Todoroki shook his head and splayed his fingers from around his glass, typing with his free hand:

I don't usually drink.

"Oh? Then what brought you out here?"

I just felt like getting a little tipsy.

Bakugou smirked. "I see. I like the honesty." He paused for a bit, wondering if Todoroki would initiate the next conversation.

How long have you been working here? Todoroki typed.

"Four years. I like it. See people, meet people, serve alcohol, get alcohol... Never a dull moment when there's at least one drunk person." Bakugou glanced at Todoroki's sullen countenance. "Somethin' up?"

Todoroki shook his head and filled his mouth with another swig of alcohol. I'm a little tired, I guess. It's not that late. He drummed his fingers on the side of the glass. Yeah, it's not that late.

Bakugou silently blinked for a moment. "Alcohol starting to get to ya?" He pursed his lips over his smile as Todoroki shrugged.

With that, Bakugou and Todoroki proceeded to discuss their interests and a few stories that fit the moment. Bakugou wasn't sure what it was about Todoroki, but he wanted to hold their conversation for as long as possible.

Damn, he's talking a lot now, Bakugou thought as Todoroki finished the last of his drink. Not complaining, though. And at least he isn't talking about whoever he was married to. Fucking hate when all the person I'm interested in has to say has to do with how great their ex was, or how much they miss their ex. Eh? He reflexively reached his hand out as Todoroki wobbled a bit in his seat.

"You gonna be all right to get back home?" queried Bakugou, who raised his brows.

Todoroki nodded. Of course I can find my way back. I should go. Yhanks for drinsk, he typed with slow, claw-like fingers.

"And yer sure you're feeling all right?" Bakugou continued while Todoroki staggered to the floor and tilted his head.

With another nod, Todoroki leaned against the counter and stifled a wince. He pointed his eyes at the floor, and with a hefty, quaking sigh, he seemed to scour the bar for something.

Guess he did down that shit kinda fast, but I'd have thought a bulky guy like him could handle it, Bakugou inwardly sighed. Oh, he's probably looking for a bathroom. Goddamn. He nudged his shoulder under Todoroki's and slowly guided him to the bathroom.

"Easy now, Drunkoroki," Bakugou chuckled while pushing his foot against the bathroom door to open it. "I'll be outside." He propped the door open with his foot, allowing Todoroki to shuffle into the bathroom.

Why the hell am I even waiting on this dumbass? Bakugou realized while pressing his shoulders against the wall. Usually only do this with women when some bastards try to take advantage of them. Well, it does put him in my debt. Guess it works out. He sighed at the sound of vomiting that soaked through the thin walls. Shouldn't have offered another drink so quickly. Dammit, if he gets into some accident 'cuz he's hammered, I'm gonna be the one to blame, and I don't plan on losing my job because of that.

Once Todoroki finished up in the bathroom and nudged open the door, he fumbled for his phone in his pocket. After retrieving it, he began to type.

"You sure you're gonna be all right getting home?" Bakugou sighed, rolling his eyes once Todoroki nodded. "Sure. Well, don't forget you got that card." It was then that Bakugou remembered that his shift had already ended. "Where do you live? Sounds creepy, but don't take it that way."

By the litbary, Todoroki replied. I liek eeadjng.

Your typing is so shit that even autocorrect can't save you, Bakugou wanted to say. But the library's pretty close to my place. Few blocks away. Might as well walk the dumbass home so I don't get my ass sued.

"My place is pretty close. Guess I can keep your ass company." Bakugou clicked his tongue and observed as Todoroki's expression withered into a frown. "What?"

I donmt want tongo hkme.

"Why not?"

I'm drink.

"No shit."

I'll fisn a htoel. Bye.

Before Bakugou could fathom his thoughts or his words, he asked, "Wanna crash at my place?" Then, digesting the weight of his question, he half-heartedly slapped his hand to his forehead and dragged his fingers through his hair.

Why did I have to fucking be gay? Bakugou groaned to himself. Could've been happy with a woman years ago, but here my single, gay ass is. Turned down so many fucking women. Maybe the better question is why the hell this drunk fuck's so charismatic anyway.

After hitting his thumb against the bottom right corner of his phone screen a frightening amount of times, Todoroki showed his message to Bakugou:

I already owe you a dirnk. You dob'r need tonoffer more.

Bakugou shrugged. "I live alone anyway. You can make up for it when yer sober." He offered a faint smirk and began to guide Todoroki out of the bar. "Sound good?"

Todoroki nodded, and with that, Bakugou escorted his new acquaintance to his apartment. Bakugou estimated that the walk home was fourteen minutes longer than usual.

Once Todoroki slid out of his shoes and melted against the couch in the living space, Bakugou rummaged around for a blanket and a pillow. He managed to find the blanket he'd received as a gift from his friend Kirishima; the blanket was in its untouched packaging. Bakugou also sacrificed a pillow from his bed for Todoroki.

Wonder why he doesn't wanna go home, Bakugou pondered while tossing the blanket and pillow at Todoroki. Not like I care about him, though. Now, he's obligated to return the favor.

Todoroki propped the pillow against the arm of the couch and snuggled himself into the blanket. He exhaled slowly, and then, he closed his eyes.

Damn. Kinda wanted to talk to him more. Bakugou unconsciously gazed at the steady rise and fall of Todoroki's chest. At least it isn't as lonely now. How am I always so lonely when I see new faces and familiar ones for at least eight hours of my day every day? Even when I have some alcohol in me, it just makes it harder when I get sober. Why, though? Used to hate working with other people. Why am I so pathetic on my own now? With a protracted sigh, Bakugou walked into his room and flopped onto his bed. I wonder what he'll do when he wakes up and realizes he ain't at home...

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