27 | Shutting Down

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Katsuki Bakugou

Huh, Bakugou thought while attempting to analyze Todoroki's poem, there are multiple songbirds too. Sounds like it's about his shithead dad. Fists, love, words... Did his dad beat him physically? Dunno if I'm reading too deep into that. Doubt he'd want me to ask about this out loud. Bakugou sent Todoroki a text message inquiring as to whether or not the poem was about Todoroki's father, and his brows sank when he received a nod.

"H-Hey, Kacchan, your parents are nice to you, right?" asked Bakugou's childhood friend.

It's not like they hit me or anything, but I wish that damn old hag would lay off. And her stupid assumptions about me piss me off so much. How are you gonna assume the wrong thing, paint me in a shitty light because of it, and then say I'm wrong when I tell you you're wrong because you don't know jack shit about me?

"Tch. They're pieces of shit, for sure."

Of course I only realize now that I probably made him think my parents were abusive. Wouldn't put it past Shu's dad to be abusive, though. And the title... Interesting that it's 'feathers' and not 'bird.' Guess the feathers imply a bird, and the cage coupled with it implies a caged bird. With a sigh, Bakugou messaged Todoroki to ask if his father was abusive. Yeah, he looks hella anxious. I feel like that's just a 'yes.' No reason for him to get anxious if his dad ain't abusive. Feathers... Maybe 'cuz that's all that's—

It was just to say that, no mater what; I woudltj be onenof his somg birds

Promptly reading Todoroki's text which was riddled with mistakes, Bakugou noticed how Todoroki began to stand up. Shit, that must be a touchy subje—


A cold, serpent-like diamond sliced through Bakugou's stomach. God, what've I done this time? he rebuked himself.

With rapid steps and a wide gait, Todoroki fled from the waiting room, and without a second thought, Bakugou followed suit. A constricting heat coiled around Bakugou's veins like a python as he caught up to Todoroki and grasped the latter's shoulder just outside the bathroom door.

"Shu, what's wrong?" Bakugou's words morphed in his throat, but unable to swallow back his question, he caught a glimpse of Todoroki's pupils: small ink drops.

Todoroki simply averted his eyes and pushed open the bathroom door, and although Bakugou foresaw that Todoroki would frantically close the door behind him, the door was left loose. Bakugou was uncertain of Todoroki's thought process or intent behind leaving the door open, but he slinked into the bathroom nonetheless. Over the clunk of the door locking, Bakugou could hear Todoroki's labored breaths and uneven footsteps.

Then, Bakugou witnessed something that he had previously been present for, but something he had not been a direct witness of. For a moment, he could only stare as Todoroki dropped to his knees in front of the toilet and began retching up what Bakugou presumed was what remained of Todoroki's dinner. Joining Todoroki on the floor, Bakugou gently massaged Todoroki's back and shoulders while keeping the towel pressed against Todoroki's head.

Damn... was all Bakugou could think as he listened to his boyfriend vomit, heave, and cough. This has gotta be beyond humiliating for him. Is he so anxious all the time that he just feels too sick to eat? Maybe not exactly 'sick,' but that shitty feeling when you're super fucking anxious that strangles your appetite. In a whisper, he assured Todoroki that everything would be all right. That, and I bet he just doesn't feel like it in general. God, wish I could see his thoughts to know how to help him. Bet his line of work doesn't help with it. I'd imagine that's hella stressful for him too.

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