29 | Bloody Consequences

13 3 24

Katsuki Bakugou

Damn, okay, Bakugou thought as Todoroki brusquely separated from their embrace and headed up the stairs. Can't blame him. He's probably gonna go cry by himself or something. Guess I'll tell Mai her dad's back. Dad... Why am I so jealous of the relationship he must've had with his wife? Shaking his head, Bakugou walked towards Mai's room and knocked on the door. Eh? I feel hella weird just opening the door, but if she's asleep, I'll take the note he left. Slowly creaking open the door, Bakugou glanced around Mai's pink room; pink plush animals, pink walls, pink pillows, pink lights. She ain't here? Huh. Guess I'm getting some shut-eye on the couch.

With a protracted groan, Bakugou collapsed onto the couch in the living room and closed his eyes. Could really fucking go for a smoke right now or light up a blunt. He's not the only one stressed. Damn. But for his sake, I'm not gonna do it yet. He couldn't remember if he'd fallen asleep, but the next thing he knew was his eyes snapping open to a frantic voice rushing towards him.

"Uncle Kat!" wailed Mai, whose long hair was like a cape fluttering behind her. "Dad! Something happened... There was crashes, a-and Dad won't..." Tears began to dribble onto Mai's cheeks.

Immediately springing to his feet, Bakugou replied, "Where?" Although his voice was like a rock, his heart ached in his chest as it palpitated. "Show me."

Sprinting up the stairs alongside Mai, Bakugou careened into Todoroki's room with a sharp pain piercing his chest when he realized Todoroki was not in his field of vision. "Here!" Mai shouted, pointing to the bathroom door.

Fuck, please tell me you didn't do something stupid! Bakugou inwardly snarled while trying the door handle. Obviously it's locked, but fuck!

"Shu?!" Unable to open the door, Bakugou began to yank the door like a boat in a tempestuous sea. "SHU?!"

Fuck! Bakugou wanted to spit as he scoured his inferno of a mind for his next course of action. Did he pass out again, or?! His hands and feet were numb with fear.

"What exactly did you hear?" Bakugou asked Mai in a gravelly growl. "And oi, grab a screwdriver and bring it here."

"A lot...of crashes and thuds," Mai whispered while hugging the wall. "Like...glass breaking. But okay." She rubbed away the tears in her eyes and scampered out of the room.

Bakugou's heart became an erupting volcano. He gripped the door handle like a crocodile clamping its jaws on its prey, and with incinerated thoughts, he wrenched the door handle off the door with a mighty tear and heave. Sent stumbling back across the floor with handle in hand, Bakugou discarded the metal and charged back at the door. He was cognizant that ripping the door handle off was rash, but he was desperate to identify Todoroki's current state.

Staring wide-eyed through the hole in the door, Bakugou saw Todoroki slumped against the bathroom counter on the floor. He could make out scarlet splatters on the side of the counter and blatant streams of blood drenching Todoroki's jeans. Glass shards littered the floor like crystalline confetti.

Fuck! Bakugou internally roared, slamming his fist against the door and cramming his hand into his pocket for his phone. If I hadn't let him walk away, this wouldn't have happened! I should've been able to prevent this! It's like him all over again, but this time, it's not some bullshit! God, calm down. Calm. Down. Take a deep breath. Now think. Where's he bleeding from? His leg? Or... No. No, no, no... While holding his phone to his ear after dialing for emergency services, he noticed something silver and blue gleaming against Todoroki's right thigh, masked by shadow. He slit his wrist...didn't he? Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

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