38 | Fight

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i apologize to the few of you actually reading this story because while i will still update this story every once in a while (it's literally finished and has been for a long time), it's no longer taking priority for updates. frankly, there's no real logic behind prioritizing this story like i was when no one is reading it since i have other stories that more people are reading and waiting on.

Shouto Todoroki

Pondering Bakugou's query, Todoroki nestled his head into Bakugou's lap. I feel like he'd use it as an excuse to beat me again, he thought. Even though he apologized for how he treated me, I just can't completely believe it. I don't want any possibility of him hurting Mai. I may not ever need to tell him about this relationship.

I'm not really sure, but I don't plan on telling him unless I absolutely need to. What about your parents? I haven't heard much about them, now that I think about it.

"Yeah, that's fair," Bakugou replied. "If he ever threatens you, tell me, 'kay? Good. My parents know damn well I'm not into women, and they support me. My mom tried to get me to date a few girls, but I never felt anything more than friendship at most. I bragged about you to them not too long ago, and they said they wanted to meet you sometime. In a good way, that is."

Todoroki nodded, and after that, the two fell into a serene silence by the light of the fire. Although Todoroki couldn't remember falling asleep, he awoke to Bakugou's alarm for work; a lingering soreness clung to his lower half. Later that day, while Mai was at school, he stopped by the nearest adoption center and found himself adopting a husky-labrador puppy that was five months old. The dog had a pale, beige coat, half-pointed and half-floppy ears, a curled tail that faded to white on the underside, and blue eyes. A staff member at the facility informed Todoroki that the dog was already accustomed to her name: Akari.

After purchasing some necessities for the dog, Todoroki returned home and allowed the dog to explore the house. He could only smile when Akari ran around the living room and kitchen, circling back to him and lowering herself onto her chest with her tongue out.

I guess I'll have a reason to go outside more often, Todoroki thought while opening the backdoor and tossing the red ball he'd purchased into the snow. She's cute. They said she's really gentle. I wish...

"How come I can't play outside with—"

"You have work to do, Shouto. No complaining."

Todoroki sat on the deck and lowered his feet to the first step leading down to the lawn. I wonder how different I'd be if things were different then. I was happy. I did feel comfortable talking... It was fun, at first. Todoroki picked up the cold, slimy ball that Akari dropped at his feet. I chased goal after goal that he gave me, happy to do something 'good for me.' He tossed the ball into the snow, leaving Akari to bound after it. He did it for me, but it was too much. When the fun was gone, and I was just tired and hurt, he still forced me to try and achieve those goals again and again. Todoroki did not pick up the ball once Akari returned it to him again.

That afternoon, Todoroki received an invitation to join Bakugou and a few of his friends for drinks, but he declined the offer and headed out to pick up Mai from school. He'd ensured that Akari had relieved herself prior to leaving, and much to his dismay, he locked her into a dog crate in his room. He could still recall the clinging and clicking of dog nails on the metal bars as he walked back home with Mai's hand in his.

"What's the surprise, Dad?" Mai asked for the third time.

You'll see soon after we get home, Todoroki reiterated for the second time.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 05 ⏰

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