8 | Tremble

49 4 32

Shouto Todoroki

Hot, tar-like tendrils coiled around Todoroki's eyes. Cold, stone-like hooks of sweat seared his skin. He didn't want to look up, but as a half-legged, metal arachnid beneath a bar stool crept into his vision, Todoroki lifted his chin to face Bakugou.

"So ya didn't ditch me," snickered Bakugou, whose imperial, fiery eyes arrested Todoroki's attention. "Oi. You look different." He scrutinized Todoroki, glancing the latter up and down.

Todoroki sat down at the bar in the same spot as before and typed, I didn't change anything?

Bakugou tilted his head. "I swear, something looks different about you, but whatever." He slid an ice-fogged glass over to Todoroki. "Planning on ordering any food?"

I think I'd throw up if I ate anything right now, Todoroki sighed to himself. I need to eat something soon. Maybe I'll have an appetite tomorrow.

I already ate, Todoroki lied, feeling an intense prick of heat bite his chest once he finished typing.

Bakugou poured an amber stream into Todoroki's glass. "Got it. So, since yer an officer and all, what's the weirdest arrest you've had? You think about that. I got other people to serve." With the click of his tongue, Bakugou walked up to a brown-haired woman and a brown-haired man that were holding hands.

I don't know, Todoroki began to type. I did pull someone over for speeding on a motorcycle, and they were riding with a pet pig and a pet river otter.

Taking a small sip of his drink, Todoroki was hit with the familiar, searing, citrusy yet bitter taste of Bakugou's unknown concoction. He took one more sip and picked up his phone to message Fuyumi.

How are you and Mai?

He glimpsed at Bakugou, who was writing on a small notepad. Todoroki sieved how Bakugou was slender at the waist, yet he had an impeccable, prominent mountain range of a chest. Then, he espied the two black piercings in Bakugou's left ear.

I'm surprised he's single, Todoroki thought. He's very good-looking. Even that woman is commenting on his good looks. He felt his phone vibrate.

Good! I'm teaching Mai how to knit. She's pretty good at it for just starting out

An intangible weight toppled off of Todoroki's shoulders.

I couldn't be more proud to say she's my daughter

Tapping back to his notes as Bakugou approached him, Todoroki took another sip of his drink.

"Took a little longer than expected," Bakugou remarked with a slight grin. "Women here hit on me a fuck ton. Too bad I ain't interested." He shrugged. "How's the drink? Eh?" He glanced down at Todoroki's phone. "Riding with a...pig and a river otter? What the hell? That's fucking great." His grin widened.

Todoroki replied, You're not interested? But the drink is good. Yeah, it was an unusual sight.

"In women," Bakugou clarified. "Hah, 'good' is all you have to say about my masterpiece? And just 'unusual.' Can't tell if yer bein' blunt or intentionally playing it down."

Oh, I see, Todoroki typed. Sorry. I'm not good at expressing my thoughts. I like the drink a lot. I think I'm just being blunt. He brought his cold glass to his lips.

"Took me way too long to realize I'm gay. Hah, well, at least you're true to yourself." Bakugou canted his head, scrupulously examining Todoroki's figure again. "Bugs me that you look different, but I can't put my finger on what it is. Hm."

Silhouette | Suicidal Todoroki x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now