30 | Sorry

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Katsuki Bakugou

After checking in at the hospital Todoroki was taken to, Bakugou's heart weighed like a rock in his chest. He was not yet permitted to visit Todoroki, and he'd been informed that Todoroki was in critical condition due to blood loss. Although the update was by no means unexpected, Bakugou was still left with a sour taste on his tongue.

I don't think he's gonna open up about anything, Bakugou maundered to himself while remaining seated in the sea of silence sloshing around the waiting room. I swear, if he closes himself off even more... I wonder if he'll be admitted to a psych ward. It'd probably be for the best. I'm worried for his own safety, otherwise. I don't want him to come back, feel so shitty about even more because of this, and then try again. And maybe it wouldn't even be that he'd 'try' again to die. If he did die... You better live, Shu. You better live. If you don't...I don't even fucking know anymore. I don't know what's sadder: the thought of Mai losing both of her parents, or the thought that Shu knew he'd be doing this to the person he loves the most, and the agony was so fucking much that he did it anyway.

After three hours of wading in and out of sleep and requesting an update on Todoroki's condition every forty-five minutes or so, Bakugou was finally met with a decisive answer. By that point, his body was a pile of ash, and his brain was a slow-simmering stew, but he figured that he understood perhaps a portion of what Todoroki felt when he was far too nauseated by emotion to eat anything. So, when Bakugou was informed of Todoroki's condition, he felt a ringing wave crash over his body like high-velocity sand pellets. His mouth hung slightly agape, and a burst of white clogged up his thoughts. Something cold skittered over his skin, and yet, his body burned with a tangle of complex emotions.

He... was all Bakugou could think as he briskly stumbled towards Todoroki's room. He really... Sliding open the door that concealed the truth from him, Bakugou was met with Todoroki's body lying supine in a white bed with IVs connected to his arms.

"Shu?" Bakugou whispered under his breath, acutely aware that no one could hear him.

With closed eyes and pale skin, Todoroki's bare arms bore a myriad of raised, pinkish-red scars, but the underside of his left wrist was masked by the white blanket he rested beneath. He was a corpse whose heart still had the strength to continue beating.

He really fucking pulled through... Bakugou's head pounded with sharp pain, warmth, and relief. Fuck. I'm feeling so many things at once. I'm just...so fucking relieved...

A nurse stood beside Todoroki with a clipboard in hand, and once she made eye contact with Bakugou, she sighed, "He's awake, but we haven't been able to communicate with him."

As though rusted shut, Todoroki's eyes were steadily pulled open. Catching a glimpse at Bakugou's approaching figure, he turned his head away.

"Shu," Bakugou audibly whispered while sitting beside his partner. "You know me, yeah?" He felt something cold touch his hand, and then, that coldness traced a "K" onto the back of his hand. "Heh. Good. Listen, Mai and yer sister are doin' all right. Mai didn't see you when you were down, if you were wondering." He gently squeezed Todoroki's hand. "You don't even know how relieved I am. It's gonna be okay. No one's mad at you." He noticed how Todoroki's hand spasmed. "Do you think someone is?"

Todoroki shrugged languidly.

"I'm taking that as a 'yes.' Is it me? No? Your dad? Mm. I'll be here if he wants to try and pick a fight. But you still gotta communicate with the staff somehow." Bakugou nodded and handed Todoroki his phone after unlocking it. "You feelin' okay?"

Todoroki nodded, but he did not utilize the phone he'd been provided.

"Oi, I think he'd be more comfortable if it were just us," Bakugou informed the nurse, who nodded and took her leave. "Are you not gonna say anything at all?" He turned to face Todoroki again.

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