11 | This Feeling

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Shouto Todoroki

"Looking back on it, I don't think I've bonded with someone as quickly as I did with you, Momo."

"If you ask me, it seems like we were meant to be."

Exhaling slowly, Todoroki felt a gnawing punch in his gut. I feel like I'm subconsciously trying to replace her... he realized as the world dissolved into a distorted buzz. That's not it, but it feels like it is.

Wading out of the sea of his thoughts, Todoroki heard, "Wanna get something to eat?" Bakugou stuffed his hands into his pockets.

Are you hungry, Mai? Todoroki typed to his daughter, who nodded her head. All right. He glanced up at Bakugou, and he felt a surge of soothing yet uncomfortable heat spread through his chest.

Why do I keep looking at him? I felt similar to this when I was dating Momo, but it's not...like that. I just want to spend time with a friend. I haven't had friends in a long time. Everything about his personality beckons to me. It's only natural.

"I picked the activity, you pick the place," Bakugou said with a nod. "Or, I make a mean curry and lasagna."

"I want lasagna!" Mai promptly chirped.

Todoroki nodded, and thus, the three walked to Bakugou's small yet modern and comfortable home. Bakugou had forewarned Mai about the existence of his cat, but Mai took that as an opportunity to inquire as to whether or not her father decided if they were to own a dog. Todoroki was still undecided, but once he felt the tan Bengal cat brush against his leg and stand onto its haunches for its head to be pet, he figured having a pet didn't sound miserable.

"Felix is a sucker for pets," Bakugou chuckled while heading into the kitchen. "He looks regal and wild, but he's the laziest fu... Funky cat. He just doesn't like being picked up. And if yer worried about him biting or scratching, he never does. Literally won't hurt the flies by his food. He'll just lick and sometimes nibble your toes and fingers if he likes you." He washed his hands at the sink. "Anyway, gimme a hand over here, Shu."

Why do I like being called that when it's an insult? pondered Todoroki, who nodded, leaving Mai to play with Felix. I've been called Sho and Todo, but never Shu. I don't like being called regular insults, but this one is fine. Why? He stepped onto the white tile of the kitchen, soon washing his hands and drying them on a red towel.

Gazing over the kitchen counter at Mai, who was enthralled by the cat, Bakugou reduced his voice to a whisper. "You been eatin' all right?" he asked while fishing out a glass baking dish.

I knew he'd ask. It's not that I don't like food. It's not that I'm counting calories. It's not that I'm trying to lose weight.

Todoroki shrugged.

"Somethin' goin' on?"

Todoroki shook his head. I just haven't had much of an appetite lately, he replied.

"That sucks. Don't force yourself beyond what yer comfortable with, but try and eat a little bit."

Nodding, Todoroki proceeded to prepare the lasagna dish with Bakugou. Once the two finished up and slid the lasagna into the oven, Bakugou suggested that the three play a board game or a card game, but he could only offer an innocuous scoff and call his cat a traitor when Mai seemed to be far too interested in waving a strand of yarn around for Felix.

"So, any weekend plans?" queried the ash-blond, who leaned back into the gray sofa in the living room and crossed his legs.

Todoroki shook his head and maneuvered around the coffee table to sit beside Bakugou. Nothing different from what I do practically every day, he typed before unconsciously crossing his legs. I'm sure you've gathered that I'm not a very exciting person.

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