37 | Winter Night

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Katsuki Bakugou

Badump, badump, badump...

In the thin slits of his eyes, Bakugou could make out Todoroki walking across the tiled bathroom floor. Much to his stupefaction, Todoroki did not touch the door. Rather, Todoroki plodded towards the cabinet that Bakugou was informed held a precision knife.

Don't, Bakugou wanted to hiss as his heart began to bash against his ribs. Don't you dare... Have some faith in him. Fuck. He's opening it. Have faith. Goddammit... Bakugou gripped the sheets of the bed, but keeping his eyes locked on Todoroki, he paused when the latter did not move after picking up the blade. The hell is he doing? He's looking in the mirror. The nightlight in there is saving my ass. Now what's he—


What the hell was... It sounded like something hitting plastic. I've heard that before. Wait. Did he...throw it away? Bakugou held his breath and closed his eyes when Todoroki stepped back into frame and began to exit the bathroom. I think he did. Shu... So, he really means it. He could hear Todoroki's dull footsteps approaching the bed, and then, he heard the rustling of fabric and the soft tinks of metal on metal. Guess that makes sense. Wait, what's he doing now? After a moment of silence, a brief click from the lock of the door met Bakugou's ears, and soon enough, the sound of the door handle being turned. Now I'm just curious.

Bakugou remained in bed for the next few minutes, but he took in a long breath of air and sat upright. Rubbing his eyes from the murkiness in his vision, he tugged his clothes back on and made his way downstairs. He tiptoed to the bottom of the staircase and peeked around the bend of the wall separating the kitchen and dining room from the front of the house. There, he espied Todoroki, who was sitting outside on the deck of the backyard. The shimmering house lights outside were out of view, but they bathed the icing-like layer of snow on the railing of the deck in the memories of summer warmth.

Visible, foggy breaths rose from the front of Todoroki's figure while gentle flakes of snow fluttered to the ground beyond the overhang on the deck. With a sigh, Bakugou rummaged through the entrance closet for his winter coat, and as he approached the large panes of glass on the double doors to the small backyard, he found himself captivated by Todoroki. The snow was quiet and voiceless, and yet, even when the temperature would rise and the sun would pierce through it, the snow refused to completely melt.

As Bakugou pressed his hand to the door that had been left slightly ajar, Todoroki lowered his chin to his knees. With his breath frozen in his throat, Bakugou waited for a few seconds that felt like hours before he slowly nudged the door open and stepped into the embrace of the winter night. He glanced down at Todoroki, uncertain of whether or not his presence was known.

Tossing the coat onto Todoroki's back and shoulders, Bakugou muttered, "It's fucking cold out here." He sat beside Todoroki, who gazed up at him with curious eyes. "What're you doin' out here?" He handed Todoroki his phone.

Todoroki's trembling fingers typed, Thanks. I saw it was snowing again, and it reminded me of when I built a snowman with my wife and Mai. It was fun. Sorry if I worried you by not being there.

Bakugou brought his arm around Todoroki. "We can build one tomorrow with Mai. Or, is that gonna be too painful to do?"

Todoroki replied, No, I'll be fine. I want Mai to have more fond memories with me anyway. I don't want her to feel like her childhood was completely taken away. She bonded mainly with Momo anyway, so I want her to be comfortable with coming to me for help.

Momo's the name of his wife? Bakugou realized. Feel like I've heard of her before.

A smile formed on Bakugou's lips. "You're a good dad, Shu. Despite all you've been through, here you are, and you're getting better. It's gonna be okay." He patted Todoroki's shoulder. "But really, I'm freezing my balls off over here. C'mon." He helped Todoroki up to his feet, but as he clasped onto the door handle, he felt something cold, hard, and wet shatter against the side of his head. "The hell?! You motherfucker. Hey, you get back here!" Wiping off the snowball shards from his hair, Bakugou sprinted across the porch and into the field of snow to catch up to Todoroki.

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