14 | Superficial

36 4 25

Katsuki Bakugou

Fuck, I am so fucking gay for this dumbass, Bakugou inwardly groaned after offering his remarks about what he thought about heterochromia. The more time I spend with him, the more I just wanna say I'm gay for him. But I ain't saying shit unless I get confirmation he's into guys. I mean, he did willingly go for some kisses with me that were hella hot, but still. He lifted Todoroki's phone to his face. Huh. I get the feeling he's dealing with anxiety. Doubt he's got many friends, if any. He's always vague about what he does with his life. Dunno if 'nothing' implies watching TV or something, or literally doing nothing.

After asking if Todoroki had anyone aside from family that he talked to, he read Todoroki's response. Yeah, figured. God, that sounds so fucking lonely. I've had this gut feeling he's not doing nearly as well as he comes off as.

"Had a feeling..." Bakugou uttered in a cool, collected sigh. "You just seem like the kinda person who wants to do everything himself, can do everything himself, has a routine and doesn't stray from it, and usually avoids social interaction if it ain't from people you're close with." He sieved Todoroki's expression, detecting the slight delay in his typing.

After reading Todoroki's response, Bakugou thought, Yeah, something probably happened for us to have met at all. Probably recent too. What made him break his routine to go for a drink, and then keep hanging out with someone he just met? He tapped his foot against the floor, and after mentioning that something must have happened, he awaited Todoroki's response. He looks nervous, but I feel like he's self-aware. He clicked with me quickly? Feasible, but doesn't explain why he was there.

Bakugou muttered, "How come you went to the bar in the first place?" His words were like hot shards of glass. "You said you felt like getting tipsy, but I get the feeling there's more to it than that."

Bakugou sieved Todoroki's mien. Yup. He's hesitating. He looks hella uncomfortable. So, he really doesn't like talking about personal shit. He let out a sigh and told Todoroki not to stress over his answer. Wow, his whole demeanor changed just like that. Yeah, his answer's vague, but not an abnormal answer. The more I press it, the more it seems like most of his generally 'appealing' personality is superficial.

After asking Todoroki if he wanted to talk about his bad day and watching as the former shook his head, Bakugou inwardly sighed. I get it, and maybe it's for the best you don't say, but you gotta say it to someone. He then inquired as to whether or not Todoroki had someone to confide in. Glad I'm way more open to talking about personal shit if I trust the person and they're fine with it. I was in such a shitty place. Didn't want help, didn't want anything. So fucking glad therapy paid off. I wonder how long I was suicidal. High school and college. Damn. That's longer than I realized. Oh? He does have someone?

"Good. Long as you got someone to tell it to." Bakugou finally expelled a breath that had been dying to escape his lungs. "Anyway, you manage to figure yourself out yet? No rush if you didn't, but I'm hella curious." He softened his gaze.

I can tell he's not gonna be happy if I keep pressing it, and I'm dying to know if I have a shot with him. And I still get the feeling he's affection-starved or something, because goddamn was our kiss hot, and he wanted more. Pretty gay, if you ask me, but...

Todoroki displayed his phone to Bakugou. I still don't really know. I've never been attracted to men, but I don't know why I wanted more when we kissed. It doesn't sound right to say I like men. He reached down to the floor and scratched at his left ankle.

Fuck, Bakugou groaned to himself. I could say, 'Wanna see if you feel any different over another kiss?' Or something stupid like that, and I fucking want to, but... Ugh, God...I'm fucking hopeless.

Bakugou crossed his legs and replied, "Bet it'd feel weird to have the epiphany of being gay when you even married a woman before realizing it." He vacillated, uncertain if making another advance was ideal. "But... I mean, if you want..." Bakugou began to internally curse at himself. "You could have a fresh example to ponder."

I fucking hate my gay ass, Bakugou lambasted himself as a bullet of sweat and a sweltering heat pierced his chest. I'm trying to take things way too fucking fast. What, am I scared of lo—

Todoroki canted his head. What do you mean by that?

"Want me to just show you?" Bakugou proposed with a sly smirk.


No fucking way.

Bakugou figured he'd mention, "Push me away if you change your mind. Got that?" He felt his heart thunder in his chest when Todoroki nodded.

I'm playing a risky fucking game here, but...

Then, in one swift motion, Bakugou cupped Todoroki's cheek and united their lips. He felt how Todoroki's body jumped, and in the split second of searing suspense that followed, Bakugou felt like a year had passed before Todoroki provided his all-deciding reaction: he melted into the kiss.

Bakugou's body shed the weight of doubt, fear, and apprehension that clumped to his skin like a thick layer of dust. Enraptured by the tender yet ardent sensation of his lips folding into Todoroki's lips, his body ignited with a sweet, burning flame. Violated by the desire to feel as much as possible, Bakugou located Todoroki's right hand with his free hand and moved Todoroki's hand to his shoulder.

Fuck... Bakugou thought with sugary, slippery thoughts as Todoroki's hand slipped into his sleeve to traipse over the former's clavicle. It feels so fucking good. Thought he'd pull back after a second, but it's hot and intense all over again. His fingers caressed Todoroki's bare sides, gliding from waist to shoulders and back again. There's no way in hell he ain't at least a little gay. Eh? There's something on his side. Bakugou's curious fingers ran across something rough covering a small portion of Todoroki's hip, but he moved his hand away when Todoroki flinched.

As Todoroki and Bakugou slowly withdrew from their hold of passion, their hot breaths steamed each other's cheeks with faint embers of pink. Bakugou eagerly sat in his flustered daze, waiting for Todoroki's decision to pull back completely or advance into deeper, more intimate territory.

I know he's probably gonna back off early this time, but I'm desperate for an answer, Bakugou couldn't help but think as he gently ran his thumb over Todoroki's jawline. God, he's so fucking hot. That's nice and all, but I want him. Not just the superficial beauty, but everything ugly inside too. I—hm?!

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