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Shouto Todoroki

Once Fuyumi introduced herself to Bakugou and escorted Mai home, Todoroki was left with a swishing, taffy-like wave wobbling in his stomach. He found himself acutely aware of each of his actions, both voluntary and involuntary.

A python of silence coiled around the room, but it loosened its grip when Bakugou cleared his throat. "Y'know, I originally thought yer daughter was gonna be a stereotypical, annoying-ass brat, but hah, sure had me fooled. She sure made Felix's day. Damn cat's gonna be expecting me to treat him like that from now on." He approached the gray leather sofa and let out a sigh once his spine rested against the cushions.

Todoroki slowly slid onto the cool, slick surface of the sofa beside Bakugou, but he left a wide gap between the two. I feel like there's never a day when I'm not proud of her. It's true when they say 'they grow so fast.' She likes animals a lot, and she really wants a dog, as you've heard. He passed his phone to Bakugou and glanced into the ash-blond's radiant eyes before looking down at his feet.

"She's hella lucky to have you as her dad," Bakugou commented with an expression that had softened ever so slightly. "She'll look back and be hella grateful too. Bet she'd be best friends with a dog real fast." He returned Todoroki's phone. "Y'know, it doesn't feel weird to communicate with you like this."

You think so? I don't think I'd say that. But I've definitely been leaning more towards getting a dog after more research. You don't think this is weird? I feel like it's very weird.

"Let's just get this straight: I don't like lies. Yer not an asshole to her, and you clearly taught her manners and shit. Damn, you even did research? Well, what kinda dog are you thinking about getting? And nah, I just see it as what's normal for us, and if other people think it's weird, it's none of their business, and they can fuck off."

Todoroki's heart swelled with an effervescent flame as he thought, Why do I almost feel...flustered? He's just speaking his mind. There's nothing more to it.

I guess that's true. Yeah. I don't want to end up being an irresponsible pet owner. I'm considering a golden retriever since they're renowned for being friendly, loyal, intelligent, and easy to train. That's the kind of thought process I'd like to have. I'm not even sure why I don't speak anymore. I just can't. Whenever I'm asked why I don't speak, or someone insinuates that I should just speak, I end up wanting to speak even less, so thank you for not asking.

"Responsibility. I like it. Hah, always lookin' out for your daughter. You dunno why? A therapist might be able to sort that out with you. Makes sense. People are just assholes if they're trying to force you to speak when yer not comfortable with it as it is. Sometimes, I get people that try and get me to 'just try dating women.' And then I turn it back around at them and get 'em to say they wouldn't date someone of their own gender, but they still want their point to stand. Hella annoying."

You couldn't pay me enough to see a therapist, Todoroki thought as a shiver rattled his spine. I'll get over it. I'd be too ashamed to see a therapist anyway.

I guess that's true, Todoroki typed as the soft plop of cat paws padded over the coffee table. I'm glad you can understand that. Really? They'd tell you that and wouldn't even consider following the same principle? I don't see the point in dating people you aren't interested in. He passed his phone to Bakugou and extended his hand to Felix, soon feeling as the cat rubbed the side of its head against his hand.

Bakugou rolled his eyes at Felix. "I spend all this money on your ass to get betrayed," he scoffed before shaking his head with a faint smirk. "Wish it were just common sense. And yeah, people sure love being fucking hypocrites. Exactly. People don't understand what they don't understand." He squinted his eyes a bit and glanced from the far wall by the front door to the floor. "But about that favor... Can I kiss ya, or is that too weird?"

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