5 | The Consequences

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Shouto Todoroki

Murky, black waters; a void of existence in which one could not see or feel their orientation. Cold, parting waves. Warm, sizzling surface. A fingertip grazing both the beginning and the end of the black profound; the sense of direction regained. A conscious breath of air, and blinding white smog.

Blinking away the hazy residue of sleep clinging to his eyelids, Todoroki inhaled sharply. A familiar, sweet yet smoky scent filled his mind like steam from the shower. Then, after staring at the white wall in front of him, Todoroki finally grasped the fact that he was not in his bed.

What? Todoroki groggily wondered as a searing blade of pain cut through his skull. Damn. Where am I? Why am I here? What happened? I... That's right... I got drunk. I didn't mean to. Why didn't I go home? Where is this?

"Wanna crash at my place?"

That's right. I only had two drinks, but it feels like I had twenty. Wait, what happened after I got here? All I remember is... I don't even remember being in this house. Mai. Fuyumi. Shit. Did I tell anyone I would be gone?

With a soft grunt, Todoroki shifted his position and pulled out his phone to see a barrage of unread messages clogging up his lock screen. Sighing, Todoroki was eerily unperturbed as he scrolled through his messages with Fuyumi to find the first unread message she'd sent.

I won't be back until mornign

Okay. Did something happen?

The next message was from four hours later.


Is everything okay?

Shouto, I'm really starting to worry

Shouto, please send anything to let me know you've seen my messages

If I don't answer immediately, I fell asleep, but I'm trying to stay awake

Todoroki shook his head and forced his body upright. He rubbed the sides of his head and winced.

Fuyumi, I'm so sorry I worried you. I got drunk last night, but I only had two drinks. I didn't at all mean to get drunk. I don't remember it, but I agreed to stay at someone's house for the night. Are you and Mai all right?

Todoroki glanced at the time: six in the morning.

My head is pounding. I feel so nauseous. I don't want to get up. I don't want to walk home. I don't want to face Momo, Mai, or Fuyumi. I know I have to do it all, and that's what hurts the most. Get up. Shit, I also have work. I might have to take today off. Surely, it'd be fine. I still went to work the day Momo died. Momo... Momo's not going to be there. Everything hurts so much. I don't even know what I was thinking when I was drunk. Drunk...

"I'll show that drunk bastard..." sibilated Touya, otherwise known as Todoroki's eldest brother.

The last words I heard from him before he died.

Although Todoroki thought he'd closed his eyes for a moment, in actuality, he'd fallen back asleep for another forty minutes before waking up to the sound of a nearby door closing. His eyelids fluttered open, and he rubbed his eyes, glancing around the room to see Bakugou standing a few feet away from him.

I'm so tired... was Todoroki's first thought as he turned his eyes to the floor. I really did stay with a stranger.

"Well wasn't last night wild," commented Bakugou, whose voice drew nearer to Todoroki.

Silhouette | Suicidal Todoroki x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now