9 | Open Wounds

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This story is not intended to promote or encourage actions such as self-harm.

Shouto Todoroki

Like the infinite, unfaltering ticking of a clock, Todoroki repeated "you're fine" to himself from the zigzagging confines of his mind. His shoulders ached, slanted and taut against the cold bathroom wall. Yet, he felt as though his breaths, his pulse, and the arcs of throbs jolting through his body had aligned into one cadence; a staccato of the whole, but an even melody of its constituents.

"Dad, stop!" cried Fuyumi, rushing up to her youngest brother's side with Natsuo not far behind her.

"Fuyu..." was all Todoroki could utter as the bruised knuckles on his cheek retreated.

"He needs to learn the consequences of—"

Endeavor's words were rent by Natsuo, who growled, "You're the reason why Touya's dead! Shouto's going to end up the same way because of you!" He knelt down beside Todoroki, who was lying on his side on the floor. "We won't let him hurt you more."

I wish I could have taken your pain for you, Touya.

Finally clasping onto his sangfroid, Todoroki staggered out of the bathroom and back to the bar. He dared not glance above the bar counter, and the mere thought of it quickened the beat of his heart.

Upon settling at his seat, Todoroki exhaled shakily and gulped down a small swig of his glistening IPA. It was also then that he realized he'd left both his phone and his drink unattended.

I'm...so fucking stupid, Todoroki scolded himself while biting his lower lip and glancing up at Bakugou. Why have I only been making mistakes? Oh. He looks...concerned? It's because of me. Another mistake...

"You all right?" Bakugou asked with a tone that was virtually no different from when Todoroki last heard it, and yet, it was distinct from his usual tone. "And don't worry. Got Dunceface to make sure no one touched your shit."

With frigid digits, Todoroki replied, I'm fine. Sorry. And thanks. I wasn't feeling well.

Bakugou glanced at the floor. "Long as yer feeling fine now." His seductive, gold-tinted eyes locked with Todoroki's eyes. "But good. And goin' back to what we were talking about before... You don't have any hobbies or anything?"

Todoroki shrugged. I usually like reading. Now that you've asked that, I guess I don't really have any hobbies. Any suggestions for some?

My family was all I needed to be content... Todoroki thought, straightening his posture. I was happy to exist. Happy to provide for my family. Happy to be with my family. Just...happy. I'm still happy. Right. I want to live, improve, and keep going. For Mai, Momo, everyone I love...

Bakugou's next question was a serrated dagger crunching into Todoroki's skull. "So you just...live?" He arched a brow. "Sounds hella boring. Hah. Maybe we were fated to meet, 'cuz I got plenty of things for you to try. You ever gone bowling?"

Todoroki paused, racking his mind for any memories of holding a bowling ball. No, actually. I wanted to, but I never got to. He turned his phone to Bakugou and took a sip of his drink, watching the glass drain to a third full.

"Hah? That sucks. Tell ya what: let's go bowling next week. I get the feeling yer gonna get it right off the bat, or you'll be a complete klutz." A smirk materialized on Bakugou's face.

Sure, Todoroki agreed impetuously. Is it all right if I bring my daughter?

Bakugou nodded. "Sure. Damn, it's so sweet I'm gonna be sick." He let out a brief cackle.

Silhouette | Suicidal Todoroki x BakugouWhere stories live. Discover now