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?? : No no please you can't le-leave me ... You promised me!! ....How wi-will I live without you . Please come back ... Nooo 

Hearing all these noises from the adjacent room the couple barged into the room and without waiting or thinking they just hugged their daughter and soon she also hugged them back .  

Appa : Doll shhh it's okay we are here don't worry .... calm down, you are safe ... good girl , follow my breathes . You are doing good focus on my breathe baby . Good the father tried his best to calm down his daughter who was having a breakdown 

Y/N: Appa he br-broke his promise ... He left his princess, how could he do this . H-he and she again broke down into tears in her father's embrace . 

Eomma : No ynieee he didn't break his promise he is still in your memories right, and you                            wanna disappoint him by crying like this? 

Y/N: No appa never, but I miss him ... He 

And she again started crying and chocked on her own sobs, of course, it was painful for the couple to see their 'only' daughter in this state but past is past and it can't be changed 

Appa : Doll you need to be strong, you can't be stuck on past right, and if you will be like                     this who will take justice for him, hmm? 

Y/N : Yes appa I will be a strong girl and get him justice 

Eomma : That's my girl now sleep, hmm 

Y/N: Can you sleep with me? only if I ain't ruining your private moments 

she said while wiggling her eyebrows teasingly only to get a flying pillow on her face and a red tomato as her eomma's face 

Appa : Don't worry and if you will do it, I will myself kick your ass ... Now sleep you have college tomorrow 

Eomma : Yeah yeah sleep appa's girl, you need energy to protect everyone from the bullies right 

her mother said a bit sarcastically only to see her daughter's face turn into a gloomy one 

Eomma: Baby  I am really sorry, please don't be sad and you know we are so proud our daughter protects the students from bully ... Don't be sad you look ugly 

Y/N: Yahh eomma , and ofc ik after all i am so strong 

Appa: Yahhh ladies now sleep or don't complain about dark circles 

Soon they all laid down not before kissing their daughter's crown and drifted to dreamland while cuddling each other 

Timeskip to next day in college 

Y/N entered the college while masking a cold face, well everyone has their own reasons for their behavior even though she is cold but still everyone's favorite because she is the only one who has dared to stand against the college's biggest bully 

But this cold face was not for long as she was soon engulfed into a warm hug by her two best friends 

Soobin : Y/nieee I missed you 

Y/N: I missed you too 

Yeonjun : Yahhh you brat didn't you miss me ? 

Y/N :  of course I missed you more than i missed him 

Soobin : Ouch 

Y/N : Btw where is beomgyu ? 

Yeonjun : He must be here on...

just as yeonjun was about to finish his sentence a panting beomgyu came and said something which made all of them smirk 

















Beomgyu:They are again bullying, fun in the morning itself 

the smirk never leaving their face

How's the chapter ? well this story will be a long one and different from my other stories 

Btw any guesses who is " HE"  

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