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Well, I am not getting the same response in this story as my other stories had. Should I stop? I know it's just the fourth  chapter but my all other books had better responses and without a response, there is no motivation to write so please do vote and comment with your ideas 

Timeskip to the next day 

It was a normal day as usual Y/N came with her friends and they settled themselves in the last row while BTS was again bullying some kids, which y/n didn't mind because those students were also a bully so nothing wrong with bullying a bully.

Different teachers came in their respective chapters, taught their subjects, and left. Now it was the lunch break and they were heading to the cafeteria 

while they were walking through the hallway they heard some girls whispering 

Girl1: She is such  a slut hanging out with boys, yesterday she was with BTS too 

Girl2: Yeah, I heard J hope was carrying her bridal style 

Girl3: Such a slut for real 

Girl1: Trying to get in everyone's pant 

Y/N was calmly listening to all this but she had enough now, no one has the right to call her a slut she took step towards the girls and punched one of them 

Y/N: I am a slut huh ... Then what are you a, a whore who has opened her legs for god knows how many boys 

Y/N: And you 

she said while walking towards the other girl  grabbing her hair in a fist really hardly 

Y/N: I am trying to get in everyone's pants.... what about you a walking makeup factory? 

BTS also arrived there and were witnessing the whole scene, they were shocked would be an understatement. Seeing someone who hates violence from the core of her heart is beating the shit out of some girls. Even they got frightened by her for a moment. But remained silent ofc suga ..

Suga: Woahhh, savage...She is not only a makeup factory but also a cockslut...She was ready to share her nudes with me a week back 

hearing this everyone started gossiping and making fun of the girl. The girl looked down in embarrassment said sorry to y/n and left for the pharmacy 

Well who would like to stay when they just got insulted so much 

J hope : Yah you stupid girl you keep nagging me about beating others and did you see yourself huh? 

Y/N: Didn't you see she insulted me * she said in a cold tone 

J Hope: I saw that, but have you seen yourself you are freaking bleeding 

hearing this the only thing y/n could say was Ohhh. She thought that he was taunting her but nope he said it out of concern. 

J hope: Come to the pharmacy with me now 

Y/N: Nope, first  I will bring you on road. Remember you owe me a lunch 

J hope: Infirmary first 

Y/N: Lunch first 

Yeonjun: Shut up you both first get treated y/niee then eat as much as you want 

Y/N: Okay    she said with a cute pout 

Y/N: Can I hold your hand please, it will burn. 

J hope: You should have thought this before fighting *he said with a cold voice*

y/n just showed her puppy doe eyes which no one could resist and j hope gave her his hand . she squeezed his hand hardly when the antiseptic touched her skin but didn't whimper or shed any tear, soon the nurse was done with dressing her wound 

Y/N: Thanks 

and they both left the infirmary and started walking toward the cafeteria 

J hope: Wow , no tear or sound you looked frightened before I thought you would bring a river of tears 

Y/N: No I don't cry, holding someone's hand just helps to suppress the pain. Anyway thanks

J hope: Welcome, but I need to be careful of you. Now not only my hair but also my handsome face is in danger 

... : Not handsome than my face 

J hope: Yahh Jin Hyung you scared me, is this a way to talk huh, what if I would have died 

Jin: Stop being over dramatic and let's go to the cafeteria fast. We wanna see you become poor 

Y/N: I didn't even eat breakfast you know so that I can eat more *she said innocently while j hope just fake cried * 













... : I missed you 

... : Who is he ? I never saw him in the college 

To be continued 

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