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Upon hearing what the man beneath him said , Jin halted his actions for a moment and stopped punching the guy , his brothers left a sigh of relief . Jin got up from the man  , still  holding him by his collar and pulling him up along with himself , he couldn't afford more loss in his life anymore .

Jin : What do you mean , isn't all of this enough already ? 

?? : Don't you think your wife must have reached your office by now , she must be waiting for you and you are  here punching me instead of going to her , tsk tsk . 

Jin : Do-don't tell me y-you ? he stuttered finally understanding where this is going . It was just too hard too digest for all of them . first their hyung and now their wife too .

?? : You are smart Jin , yes I have your wife and soon she will meet the same fate as him . though he was spitting cruel words , sadness was evident in his voice

Yoongi : Pl-please don't we wi-will do anyt-thing just don't do th-this . 

?? : Can't believe the top rank mafia are begging in front of me . Why should I not when because of you my Minho died , then why should I spare your wife .

Yoongi : What do you mean by he died because of us , we w-would never ki-kill our hy-hyung . H-he w-as . he finally broke into tears the memories of him with his minho hyung kept flashing in his mind .

?? : Did you really think I would kill minho ? My love my boy friend ? You are so wrong ?

J hope : He was your boy friend ?

?? : Yes and do you know why  h-he broke up with me ? finally the tears fell from his eyes too , he was holding them for way too long now , years to be precise . He had lost his first love and that too because of some ....

Jin : W-why ? he somewhat guessed but still asked 

?? : Not so soon , but first let' see your wife shouldn't we ? Princess come out .

They were shocked , they didn't know what was happening , why was Eunwoo calling their wife princess , or was he just playing games with them ? To add more to their  confusion , Y/N came out all perfectly fine without even a single scratch . This was not a condition they expected her to be but they were relieved that she was all fine but again what was she doing here , she was meeting her friend right ?

J hope : Y-Y/N you are fi-fine ri-right ? 

Eunwoo : Of course she would be fine , especially the closest person to her , her brother was killed and left her life . 

Jin : Br-brother ? What is he saying ? What is happening for god sake someone please tell us . 

Y/N : Don't worry I will explain everything to you .I am sure you all know Minho they all nodded to it and she continued with a pause getting all the flashbacks , he was my brother . well this shocked them but they kept quite and listened to her further . The person I met today was Eunwoo oppa only . But this time Namjoon interrupted her and said "Means  You betrayed us y/n , how could you . We had finally started to accept you " . y/n just chuckled hearing him and went to him and held his chin and spoke " It is better if you don't talk about betrayal Namjoon when you have done the most unforgivable sin "

Okay guys short update but any guesses what is happening ? Let's see who guesses it right . 

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Some bonus pics of jin , man is hot af

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Some bonus pics of jin , man is hot af . 

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