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Jung kook : Don't look there , the blood might traumatize you . 

Y/N : Didn't I told you in the car that I am a  strong girl ? I am not scared of blood ... I am only afraid on needles because when I was small , once the needle broke while the doctor was injecting me . 

Jung kook : I am incredibly sorry , how can I forget you are a strong girl . 

Jin : Yes , I still remember the painful face of hoseokieee when you pulled his hair . 

And these three started laughing like anything and the doctor was like what the fuck is wrong with this girl , she is getting stitches right now and laughing . Noticing that the doctor won't get their attention he fake coughed  . 

Y/N : Wanna drink water ? she said with innocent eyes pointing towards the las sof water that was kept at the tray beside her . 

Doctor : No , it is okay I am fine . I just wanted to say that her wound is treated now , just don't put any pressure on it or do something from this hand  or else the stitches might open . 

Y/N : When can I go home ? Hopsital's walls creep me out . 

Doctor : As soon as this IV gets finished . 

Y/N : Okay , Thanks . 

Jin : Now you sleep till the IV gets finished . 

Y/N laid down on the hospital bed and closed her eyes , jin was just sitting while jung kook took out his phone to update  his rest of the  brothers about y/n's treatment . When suddenly y/n woke up making jin flinch as he was just sitting beside her and said - Oh my god what time is it ? 

Jin : 4 o clock , wae what happened ? 

Y/N : Are you guys dumb , you forgot that you had  an important meeting with the investors today at three . I am not that injured . She spoke angrily while jin and jung kook were looking at her dumb foundly like from where did she get this much energy and also scolding them for missing the meeting as if she is their boss and not the other way . 

Jin : Miss y/n don't forget that we are your bosses , is this how you show your professionalism ? 

Y/N : Are you my boss right now ? Wait then let me check your hair's strength too . 

Jin : Ok ok I am sorry but don't touch my hairs , we ain't your boss right now and about the meeting we have postponed it . 

Y/N : But it was import jung kook cut her off and said

Jung kook : It is fine y/niee and also you are not coming to the office for 1 week . 

Y/N : Yahh you can't do this . 

Jin : We  can , now lay down back and rest . 

Y/N : You don't know my bosses are assholes  , they will cut my salary  . she said with  a pout on her face trying her best to convenience them to let her go to the office but who is she even trying with . 

Jin : Is it ? Don't worry we will make sure they won't cut your salary and also they won't be an asshole to you . 

Jung kook : Yes , tell them you have a muscle bunny husband , who is gonna whoop their ass if they trouble you . 

Hearing the word husband y/n felt happy because this was the first time they had acknowledged them selves as her husband . She again had hope that may be now their relation will be okay . But god knows what future holds , everytime something sweet happens between them and she thinks the same and how her hopes are crushed every time . 

Y/N : okay , I will tell my asshole bosses . she said while chuckling cause technically she was talking about them only . 

In all this time her IV finished and she didn't rest which she was supposed to conventionally .  the nurse came and took out the iv from her hand and  there were few drops of blood which made jin and jung kook immediately question about it but the nurse assured them that it is normal and put a bandage on the area . She could now go home . Jin helped her to get up from the bed . She could now walk herself but jung kook being the muscle bunnyhe is still said that he can pick her up and she doesn't need to add more pressure on any part of her body . But she just told him that it was fine . 

Y/N : It is alright jung kook - ah my hand is injured not my leg . I can walk and now let us hurry up I can not stand these white walls anymore . 

Jung kook : Okay fine , come let's go . but let me hold your hand . 

Y/N : okay fine . she said finally giving up , knowing very well there is no good in arguing with him . 

The other bts members were standing outside only  waiting for them to come , well y/n was shocked as she expected they must have gone home keeping in mind the type of relationship they had but shrugged it off and focused on the happiness this small act brought to her . Soon they all were settled in the limo . Well yoongi had asked their men's to pick up jin's car from the accident sight and take their cars home too and bring their limo so they could sit in the same car . The ride to home was silent just jin occasionally telling the driver to drive properly after every speed breaker . And bts except jung kook and jin were like is that our brother , did he got injured at his head during the accident but doesn't know about it . Anyone would think so , seeing the 360 degree turn their eldest and youngest brother personality took . 

When they reached home , jung kook again held her hand and again guided her carefully to her room . 

To be continued . 

Well now I will post the next chapter when I get 10 votes on this chapter ,  after every chapter the number of votes is just descresing while the views remain the same , so unless I don't get a 10 votes I won't post next chapter . 

Also I will be starting a new book after my pre boards 1 end so read that too . It will not have y/n though just bts . 

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