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A few more hours passed , while y/n was still in her dream land . Their office hours were almost finished when y/n stirred in her sleep and finally woke up . Oblivious of her surroundings she started doing the things which she usually does after waking up . 

Y/N : Another morning with my beautiful face ufff . I hate waking up , god why did you made mornings . I love nights . 

hearing this the innocent bunny said to hid hyungs - Hyung why does she love nights , does she but jin cut him off with a smack and said Shut up brat and let me hear her !! 

Y/N : Oh my , I slept with my bra on . My poor lemons . {Damn I cringed hard } .

This was the last straw for them , they finally bursted out laughing , some falling on floor and rolling  , some having tears in their eyes and hoesok as usual recording for future black mailing . Finally acknowledging her surrounding y/n looked at the source  of sound and saw her husbands losing their shit . She was also about to join them in the laughter competition but remembered what she said , the reason of their state . Well right now even blood would be less red than her . If someone would touch her cheeks they will think that she is having high fever . 

Jimin : Le-lemons haha ... Hyung her le-lemo . he couldn't complete his sentence due to uncontrollable laughing . 

Namjoon : So-sorry but my stomach hur-hurts . Beoutiful faceu . 

They all mimicked her and she was just turning redder every second . 

Y/N : yahh stop it !

Jung kook : Hyung next time use her lemons .

hearing this everyone again burtsed in a session of giggling and laughter but poor bunny , his hairs were no longer safe . Yes y/n again attacked his hairs . But this time not due to anger or something because she was embarrassed as fuck . 

Jung kook : YAHH , leave my hair . Everybody is laughing , why just my hair . 

Yoongi : Y/N Leave his hair now or you know lem

before he could complete his sentence a pillow landed on his face followed by a deadly glare from y/na nd he immediately shut his mouth , at least for the sake of his hairs . 

Jin : Okay now enough , no one will make fun about it . But y/n srly lemons .

Y/N : yahh , stop it now . I didn't know you guys were here too . 

 J hope : Okay okay we won't say anything now . Let's go back to home , office hours have ended .

Y/N : okay ! 

Jimin : And y/n listen . 

Y/N : I swear to god jimin if you again start 

Jimin : No no , I was just saying I brought your favorites chocolate , here . He said handing over her the packet of chocolates he brought earlier for her . 

Y/N : Really , thanks a lot . 

Jimin : Your welcome , I hope you aren't sad about what that girl said earlier , we are really sorry for her behaviour . 

Y/N : It's oaky . Earlier I felt bad about it but your action was fine enough for me to forget about it . So thanks . Now let's go home I am hella hungry . 

After they reached home , as usual ,  jin cooked dinner for all of them and they all had their dinner bickering with each other and not forgetting to slightly tease y/n about lemons but knew their limits as now all the moments their soft soft silky silky ahirs are in danger .  after wards y/n throwing tantrum about the medicines and yoongi convincing her as if he is a father and she is her daughter . Finally after a long day they all went to sleep . Next day was the day when finally y/n's stitches would be removed . She was more than happy as now she could finally go to work and not argue about it daily . 

After they returned from the hospital she thought that now again she will have to cook her food , not gonna lie she loved jin's made food and wanted to eat that only . But to her surprise this time they didn't crushed her hopes and expectations . When they returned home , they went to freshen up but when she came down she was shocked to see jin setting the plate for her too . Without focusing much on what she is speaking she blurted out . 

Y/N : My hand is fine now , you will still cook for me ? 

Jin : Yeahh , I guess we all can eat together . But if you don't want it is fine I won't 

Y/N cut him off , she was beyond happy right now and said

Y/N : no no I am absolutely fine , infact I love your cooking it's amazing . 

Jin : Thanks , now hurry up and sit . We were waiting for you or else the food might become cold . 

Again she felt so happy , they were waiting for her . After finishing the dinner jin was about to take her plate but she politely refused him and said " It is fine , my hand doesn't hurt anymore , thanks for washing my plate all these days " " It's okay "  . After she washed her plates she was going upstairs wishing them good night but not before irritating suga . 

Y/N : Are you still gonna feed me medicine or may I go in my room please . she spoke in a fake scared tone which everyone present there could understand and softly laughed knowing they would never have the guts to say something like this to their savage hyung , but who is y/n to stope after all she is  The Savage queen  , right ? 

SUga : Aishh , ungrateful brat . You should thank me that I fed you medicines or else your hand would still not be fine , and most  importantlty you won't be able to go to office for working .

Y/N : You have a point here though , so I will say thanks . Feel grateful .

Saying this she dashed off to her room , not listening to later while his brothers laughed their ass of as their savage brother's expressions . Slowly they all left for their room too and slept . 

But there sleep wasn't peaceful , around 2-3 in night they heard some screaming sounds and pretty loud one . 

No no , don't think there enemy barged in their house and is hurting y/n . I don't like cliches . 

Cliff hanger .

Keep thinking (●'◡'●) (❁'◡'❁) . 

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