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I will soon start rewriting a few chapters, as I am not satisfied by the way I portrayed this story also I changed the name and cover for the book do tell if you like it or not . 

Soon after all the pleadings and explaining the situation to Y/N they heard a knock on the door and after a come in was spoken by Jin the other person came in . She was a girl , by looks she seemed to be a very innocent and pretty girl but by her styling , she was definitely looking like a slut , just after rich men's money . 

Jihyo : Good Morning Sir , how are you all ? well she didn't ask but rather threw herself on jungkook and asked , how can someone be fine in this condition ? 

Y/N : Well miss definitely not fine after you just threw yourself on him ,for sure you have a good figure but doesn't means you won't weigh right ? I am sure he would be fine if you remove your feather like figure from him . She said while not letting that sweet sarcastic smile leave her face .

Jihyo : Miss Jihyo and you are ? 

Y/N : Mrs Kim Y/N , their wife .  she spoke without hesitation , it didn't matter if they liked her revealing their secret or not but she definitely knew this girl doesn't have good intentions regarding her husbands and that's the first time they have asked for her help . She is definitely not gonna let them down . 

Jihyo : Sir you all got  married ? But didn't you 

She was cut off by Namjoon speaking in between and saying - Yes we got married to her 3 days back and I believe you are in no position to tell us but's and if's , right Miss Jihyo ? 

Jihyo : Oh , I am sorry sir . Congratulations Sir and Mrs Y/N , I am mean Mam . Saying all this with a forced smile face on her face which didn't fail to express her disapproval and discomfort about the piece of information she just received still not ready to leave the cabin . 

Y/N : Your meeting is about to start , come let's leave for the meeting room . MIss Jihyo could you please leave we need to go for a meeting . 

Jihyo : Yes sure , have a good day sir and Mrs Y/N . She didn't forget to not use mam this time of course y/n had successfully pissed her off but she didn't say anything and left the cabin without much scene , but why ? Y/N just ignored it and started arranging the papers for the meeting , this would be her first meeting on her first day at her first work place and there was not even an inch scope she would make even the slightest mistake .  There was still enough time for them to have a good convo before the meeting starts . 

Suga : Thanks for helping us , but we had appreciated it more if you didn't reveal about you being married to us . 

Y/N just reached her patience limit after hearing this , first , they ask her for their help and now they are pointing out at her , doesn't matter they don't consider her as their wife but this was too much . Do they feel ashamed that she is their wife ? 

Y/N : Well Sir , you should have cleared it earlier only when you told me about your "Problem " and not said " Do anything "  , and I am sure I made myself clear that we should behave professionally . Next time kindly ask someone else to help you out and Hoseok sir no need for the treat , I have enough money to treat myself at my choice of restaurant . 

Oh we shouldn't waste time here talking  , we are getting late for the meeting  . 


Jimin : A girl will come here in few minutes , she works here but is very clingy with us . She always irritates us , can you please help us to get rid of her . Do anything just help us !!

Y/N : Ahh sure , but why don't you all fire her or transfer her . 

Namjoon : She is one of the best candidate we can get for the post she is at and she is appa's favorite . He treats her like his own daughter , so we can't do anything . 

Y/N : Oh , it is okay do not worry I will help you . 

Jin : Thanks a lot . 

Flashback ends !

The meeting went pretty well , no one could say by seeing the way of y/n's presentation that this was her first time . She had managed to impress all the clients by her unique way of imparting and they had sealed the deal . To her surprise , Suga the coldest out of them even said a small " Well done " to her . 

Y/N : Sir , my shift has ended may I leave now ? 

J hope : It's okay you can come with us . 

Y/N : Sorry sir but I will go on my own and I don't want people to think our relationship is more than that of CEO and the personal assistant . she boldly said while giving a small glance to yoongi who understood what she exactly meant , of course he knew that he was rude about what he said earlier but they all are too unbothered to care about other's feeling especially y/n's in the case . I will take my leave then sir , good night . She professionally greeted them and left for the basement where she parked her car .


I am a fool to still expect something from them  , I was still carrying fake hopes that they might like me but they clearly do not  . But they should have at least apologized to me , how can they be so ignorant about someone , Oh god may Karma hit them hard  .The way they were being all cute and childish in front of me today , whining like childrens and asking me for their help , I thought they might change a bit or at least consider me as their friend ,  but it is okay Y/N you are a strong girl . Move on from them , they don't deserve your love .

Y/N POV ends 

 Thinking this she started to drive towards the takeaway as she was too tired to go home  and then cook for her self  right now , and then headed back to the house just thinking about her precious bed and sleep . After driving for few minutes she reached home but BTS had already arrived and Jin was cooking their dinner . She wondered how does he still have so much energy or may be he is habitual to it , but not gonna lie it smelled good . a small hope rose in her , thinking they might invite her too for the dinner and she is ready to leave her favorite take away untouched but does she have such good faith , no right ? All her expectations were crushed when jin said " Boys come and have dinner " which clearly meant they didn't want her to join them . She just behaved like nothing happened and made herself comfortable on the couch in the living room , setting her favorite movie on the TV and enjoying her meal , enjoying her own company . After completing her dinner she went to the basin and started cleaning the dishes not acknowledging the presence of the boys who were sitting in the dining room just beside the kitchen . 

Finally the hectic day ended and she could meet her first love  her bed , barging in her bedroom and instantly closing the door , she jumped on the bed and drifted to her dreamland . 

To be continued 

Well tomorrow is my last exam , I thought I might not be able to update during my exams , but I myself am shocked I updated three times , anyways I ma again gonna start updating on alternative days now . Take care !

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