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It was over a week since y/n's period ended  , those were some of the best moments of her life that she would always cherish . A lot of things changed in the week , they started becoming closer hanging out often going to the office , and coming back home in the same car and whatnot. 

It was just another typical day today where they were all seated at the dining table and discussing about random things and stuff that really had no context but jimin and jung kookk were laughing as if they saw a ghost wearing makeup and dancing ( lol what i wrote , I know this is out of context too but anyways if u are Indian u might find it funny because ghost are usually portrayed in white sarees )

Y/N : Anyways guys I will take half leave today , I need to catch up with a old friend . 

Jin who was still cooking the break fast , entered the dining room and spoke " But what if your bosses disagree? You know they are assholes right " well this had  become a daily joke for them , how y/n would call her bosses asshole whenever they aren't at office and they all really did not mind it . 

Y/N : My bosses are asshole but not my husbands right ? So I know I will get the leave . 

Suga : Yeahh yeahh , as if they are not the same person . He muttered under his breathe finally being done with the joke but of course everyone heard it and started laughing . except him and y/n who were sulking . 

J hope : Don't worry young lady . I will make sure you get your half day leave . 

Y/N : Thanks a lot young man . 

Amidst all this y/n just had an odd hunch , this all felt so happy that she almost thought she is dreaming , how just 3 months back they all were each other's enemy and even hated each other's presence . well not y/n though but still . 

Jin : Okay enough guys now have the breakfast and y/n back to earth , don't go the alien world like tae  .  hearing which tae hyung just whined out of embarrassment .

She snapped out of her thoughts and just muttered a small "yeah" and started eating , the odd feeling was making her restless . They all noticed the sudden change in her but just thought it as to be her excitement of meeting her old friend . 

Yoongi : Do you want us to drop you at the place you are meeting your friend ? 

Y/N : No  it is fine , he will pick me up from here only . 

Upon knowing that the friend she is meeting is a guy they all felt jealous and a urge to not let her go , but they did not had the right . Cuz they were the one who cleared on the first day of the marriage to not expect any thing . 

Yoongi : Fine . he spoke in a annoyed tone but y/n was just to busy and drowned in her thoughts to notice  the change in tone . 

J hope who felt the same agitated  reaction spoke " Okay then we will leave for office " well , if the friend was a girl they would have for sure waited and given y/n company till her friend arrives but the fact the person she is meeting is a guy couldn't be digested by them . 

Y/N : Oh sure , bye ! Take care . 

Jung kook : Bye .

In the Car 

Jung  kook : Hyung she is meeting a guy . 

Tae hyung : Are we all perhaps jealous ? 

jimin interrupted and said " But we don't love her right ? We made it very clear to her  on the very first day itself . "

Jin : I think we all are confused about our emotions  , I am sure all of our feelings have changed for her since day 1 but I can't say if it is love . 

Meanwhile with Y/N 

Y/N : Goshh you finally came , I was waiting for so long . 

?? : I am so sorry , I got stuck in traffic . 

Y/N : I am sure this is why you don't have a girl friend yet Eun woo, everytime you would show up late at the date .

Eunwoo : Yahh ouch but you don't need to be so honest bishh . 

Y/N : Anyways let's go out and talk . 

Eunwoo : Sure and about  - 

Character info 

Cha Eunwoo - Childhood friend of y/n . Treats her like a sister and knows about her secret and him too .

After around 3 hours at Kim's office building 

Jimin : Hyung when will y/n come isn't she late .

Namjoon : Yes , wait I will call her . 

Yoongi : Calm down your impatient asses , she said she will come back by lunch time and it is not even after noon yet . 

Namjoon : But still hyung we should call her , she will feel good . 

Jin : Fine , you won't listen to us anyways . 

Namjoon called y/n , she picked up the call after the third ring and greeted him , in revert he greeted her too and  asked her about how much more time it will take her to come back  and she told that by lunch time , the same thing she told earlier . He could hear some male giggles behind all while . 

Yoongi : See i told you . 

Namjoon : Ehh , sorry hyung . he told his hyung being embarrassed but you can not help when you are a curious koya right ?

2 more hours passed since namjoon had called y/n  , half of them had already  dozed off since there wasn't much work today and for god knows what reason they were feeling tired af , but there peaceful sleep was interrupted by jin's phone ringing . He woke up with a flinch and answered his phone immediately seeing the called id .

Jin : Hello 

Jin : You punch bastard punch  you punch killed punch  my punch hyungie punch . You punch snatched punch my punch hyung punch from punch me . After each word he punched the man under him , he was currently sitting on a man and punching the shit out of him , his brothers too were scared to see this side of him as usually he is really calm even during their missions but still they  didn't intervene not because of fear but because  they knew the years of frustration he had built up inside him and it needed to be vented out on the person who was the cause of it . The man's nose was bleeding and his jaw looked broken , jin's knuckles were bleeding too by now but still no one stopped them nor jin haulted his actions 

The man who was being punched just gave a mocking chuckle and said " Kim's do you think your hyung is the only thing I snatched from you ? " 

This story is nearing end now , last chapter was 18 votes . 

So 20 votes and 5 comments target for this . 

Thanks a lot 

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