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It has been over a week since y/n and bts have started sleeping in the same room after the incident and luckily she didn't have any nightmares this week . Y/N usually sleep with suga because no matter how much they fight their love for sleep binds them together . Before sleeping they maintain so much distance between them but while sleeping they oddly and without them knowing start cuddling and maknae line has many pics of them cuddling , rare sight because their Hyung doesn't hug anyone except their parents and his one and only Jin hyung and now y/n too . Out of all of them , it is usually suga hugging y/n  be it when she was supposed to get an injection on their first meet via their parents or after she had a nightmare .  Earlier y/n used to wake up herself  but now she doesn't . Getiing the princess treatment we see , now the most dreaded and challenging task in the morning every day  is to wake up suga and y/n from their sleep , which only jin is able to do , only because suga can't shout on him but still his hairs are at risk because age is just a number for y/n and she isn't partial . 

Another usual morning at the mansion 

Jin : You brats I won't wake them up today , I dreamt yesterday that she is pulling my hairs and I became bald  . I will wear cap for the whole day today . 

Tae hyung : You are our hyung it is your duty to protect us and our hairs . 

Jin : So you are my doesang , it is your duty to sav your hyung's hair . 

Jung kook : HYung we are at double risk please , yoongi hyung won't say anything to you but he will burn us alive . Please !  he spoke out showing his doe big big puppy eyes which of course melted his hyung's heart . 

Jin : Fine  but if something happens , you all are cooking your own food for 1 week . he told his brothers with a puff on his cheeks , trynna be angry you know !

Finally , jin went to the bed of sleeping monsters , first he woke up suga who woke up surprisingly just after 2-3 shakes , probably all the talks disturbed the sleep . Now comes y/n he made slow and baby steps towards her side of bed and told her " Y/n iee wake up , we have an  important meeting today "

J hope : We have a meeting today ? isn't it Saturday today ? 

Namjoon : I also don't know hyungie . 

hearing that she immediately woke up and rubbed her eyes and told " I am up I am up , give me 15minutes  I will get ready " 

Jin : No need to wear formals , there is no meeting and today is Saturday dumbo . I just said it to wake you up .

Y/N : Wait wh-what ? she spoke in a coarse and confused voice as she just woke up and took some time to understand everything happening around her . Before she could understand the situation jin ran away to the kitchen for the sake of his hair and shouted " Come for break fast . " and when she finally understood what happened with her she screamed " Yahh , you will pay for this . You ruined my sleep on weekend . Don't you know my bosses , they  don't let me rest . 

Namjoon : Bad mouth about your bosses later , we know they trouble you a lot and fresh up fast now . 

Y/n : Yes yes going my rude boss .

After they were done with the breakfast as it was a day off they all decided to go out and hang out , After a lot of discussions and bickering they  finally concluded and decided to go to the amusement park ,  after they were ready and all dressed up to go ,  y/n asked Jin " Why are you wearing cap ? It is not that hot out side . "  

Jin : Oh the cap , just for fashion . 

J hope : Really hyung just for fashion ? he mocked his hyung knowing the reason why his hyung is wearing the cap . How can you believe what happened in the dream will actually happen  hyung . 

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