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Hey , sorry for the late update but I was stuck somewhere .

As they were climbing the stairs to reach the rooftop they heard a painful scream and out of reflex they all looked back at once  only to see y/n holding her bleeding leg and sitting on the end of the stair . They all rushed towards her and without thinking twice RM picked her bridal style and took her downstairs . As soon as they reached downstairs RM placed her on a chair and asked the staff to bring the first aid kid .

Jin : How did this happen ? don't you even know to walk now 

Y/N : I am sorry b-but my heel broke suddenly... because of which my leg twisted and there was an iron nail th-there ... and it got stuck in my ankle ... 

meanwhile RM who was checking her wound said 

RM : Hyung we need to take her to hospital ... I guess it needs stitches and as she said she got hurt by iron nail , probably tetnus injection too .

Y/N : No no , pl-please anything but don't ta-take me to the hospital , pl-please

she literally begged to them to not take her to hospital 

Yoongi : Seems like the savior is scared of needles huh ...

Jin : Jungkook take out the car we all are coming and tae call eomma and appa ... Don't tell them about her being injured just say that we are going out ...

Tae and jk : Okay hyung 

Timeskip to hospital 

RM was still carrying y/n as she was not in a state to walk and even if she could walk they wouldn't let her beacuse they knew she would run away .

But the question is why are they caring for her ? even they don't know this .

anyways y/n was still struggling and begging them to stop and that she would be fine but ignoring all her pleading and also the weird stares they were getting from the strangers they reached the doctor's cabin .

Mr lee : Good evening mr kim ... What happend you all good ? 

well mr lee is there family doctor so they already know them 

Jimin : Good evening mr lee , we all are fine but our friend has got hurt .

well y/n somewhat felt hurt as there marriage was fixed now they could have called her their fiance but they called her just a " friend " but she again focused on what is going to happen to her in some minutes and started whining .

Jin : For god sake y/n stop you are not a kid and mr lee please start checking her fast my ears are hurting now .

Soon Mr lee started checking her and told that she need to get stitches . well the stitches weren't painful as they gave her anthesia first which made her nakle area numb and she let it happen without throwing much tantrums but now the main part comes which is injection . She has always been scared of injection since her childhood but with time it only increased .

Mr lee : Miss please lay down on your stomach here 

He said while preparing the injectin but y/n started tearing up but she knew she had no room for protest now so she just layed down but said 

Y/N : Okay I will lay but please c-can anyone of you hug me I am re-really scared of injections ... Please 

Yoongi being the most calm till now came forward and hugged her and put her face in the crook of his neck and started caressing her hairs . Not just this he started whispering soft words to her which did help to calm down y/n and soon she also relaxed her self . 

The doctor came and lowered her panta a little , he rubbed the alcohol pad on the skin which sent cold shiver to y/n and she hugged yoongi more tightly and yoong reverted the same intensity .

Soon the needle was in her skin and she started screaming 

Y/N : Ahhh it's really hurting ... please remove it 

Yoongi : shhh it will be over soon ... you are a brave girl right .

Mr lee : Just a second almost done done and yeah done ... See it was just a 2 miinute pain right , let me rub it won't hurt then 

As all the treatment was finished they headed towards their car and dropped y/n at her house . Her parents got worried seeing her in that state but y/n explained them eyerything and that she was fine . Her parents thanked bts and bid them good bye .

As BTS were returning back to their home they got a call and what the person on the call said shocked them 

















___ : Boss there was a bomb planted at ,,,,,,,,,,,,,

To be continued 

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