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On reaching the HR room she softly knocked on the door and within few seconds heard a come in . On opening the door she saw 2 men , probably the one who are gonna interview her . She greeted them and slightly bowed , still standing waiting for any further command to her , she just want to be perfect for the post and not make any mistakes . 

Mr Kang : Please have a seat Miss Y/N , I am Mr . Kang and he is Mr . Lee . 

Mr Lee : Let's start without any delay than , Miss Y/N please show your documents and degrees . 

She took out her document file and handed over them the asked papers , they were pretty impressed by her qualification and not to lie her formal behaviour was the best to be the personal assistant for the CEO's of such a big company . 

Mr Kang : Your percentage is impressive , I must say . And you can keep up good with the clients too . You are appointed to be the personal assistant . 

Y/N : Thanks a lot sir , I will not disappoint you . 

Mr Lee : It's fine , so you can start from today only if you are okay with that ? 

Y/N : Yes sir I am absolutely fine ! 

Mr lee : Great , the worker who took you here will lead you to the CEO's room . 

Y/N : Sure sir , thanks ! she bowed a little and then left for the CEO's cabin . 

The worker left y/n in front of the ceo's cabin and she was a bit nervous would be an understatement cuz she was super close to have anxiety attack . It was her first job and she just hoped that she could do it nicely without any mistakes . After having a ted talk with herself she knocked the door , and heard come in , in a very familiar cold voice . But as soon as she opened the door she was shocked to see .

Okay , I know this is a short chapter but my ut have started and they will assess my internal assessment so I couldn't update , and I wouldn't be able to update for like a week more . I might do short updates in between if I get time . 

Take Care !!

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