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Okay I know the last chapter was a cliche one like it was so obvious that BTS are gonna be the CEO  but what can I do . ufff  ,  one cliche chapter won't hurt  right ? 

Today I had my first exam and it went so awesome , like I am going to score full marks in it , the paper was easy too or maybe I felt so because I had already prepared pretty well . And I know I said I won't be able to update but no offence to a small update , right ? I am myself shocked how I haven't broke the streak of updating on alternate days yet , in my other  books it broke on the second or third chapter itself (❁'◡'❁)

Anways back to chapter , this is gonna be a cliffhanger one (●'◡'●)

As soon as y/n opened the door of the CEO cabin after hearing a not - so - famous cold voice , she was shocked to see none other than her Husbands , but what she said was unexpected and crazy may be or weird may be or something which can make the other party call her an idiot 😂. 

Y/N : yahh are you guys gay for each other ? For god sake you are brothers that too biological and four of you are twins too  , did your forgot you  have  a wife even if it is on paper but still how could you guys , such a weird  Alabama for real ...

Jin : What the fuck have you lost your mind and what are you doing here , missed us this much that you came to our company ? 

Y/N : I am the one who is appointed as your personal assistant mister . Remember I told you that I am going for an interview today and I got selected ... but  my bad luck that the company is yours .

 And what I said is correct ... You guys work in the same room , sleep in the same  room and on top of that you guys freaking have just one bathroom you probably bath together or else it would take you the whole day to bath separately  .. Ewww I can't even imagine !

Tae hyung : Hyung please send her to a mental asylum , you mental donkey we are straight .

Y/N : Who are you saying mental donkey , huh ? Have you seen yourself you look like a person who ran from mental hospital .

Suga : Shut up you all , and y/n are you really appointed as our personal assistant ? 

Y/N : Yes but I didn't know it's your company or else I would never come . I don't want to add  another headache in my life  . Wanna see the appointment letter  for proof ? 

Suga : No it's fine and more over it is not  our fault that you came here , the letter says you can't leave before 4 months unless we fire you or you need to pay the penalty . So your choice bear for 4 months or pay the amount . 

Y/N : Fine , I will work just don't irritate me , especially you three or else I will make sure your hair don't remain on your head ! And no personal discussion .she said pointing to the maknae line with a definitely scary glare and while j hope reminisced of the painful memory . 

Jung kook : Yeahh yeahh he said kinda mocking her .

RM : Today is your first day so just check these files , we have a meeting in evening regarding the file and you are gonna accompany us . 

Y/N : Okay , and my cabin ?

RM : You will work here only . 

Y/N : Okay thanks sir ! 

Well they were kinda shocked they expected her to bicker with them or be informal but the way she suddenly behaved so formally like she don't know them , showed her dedication for her work and career . Y/N started working at the file and RM helped her a lot as she was rookie so she was facing a few problems but finally with the help she was able to finish the files but still there was some time for the meeting . 

While they were discussing about the meeting with y/n , jung kook's phone rang and after seeing the called id his face became pale instantly . 

Jung kook : Y/Niee please save us , I will do anything you want . Just help us please . he said rather whining like a child who is seeking help from his father to save him from his mother . 

Y/N : Mr Kim what happened to you ? 

Jung kook : Yahh it's not the time to be formal , just help us or we will seriously Die , pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeee !! he said showing his bambi puppy eyes which could even melt diamond . 

The other members didn't understood what happened to jung kook so jimin checked his phone and after seeing the called id his face also became pale , he showed the other members too the id and now all of them had the same expression as jung kook and started whining to y/n to save them . Mean while y/n was not able to understand if this was a serious situation or not , as they are whining cutely like kids but at the same time saying if she doesn't help , they will die . So she said 

Y/N : yahh okay I will help you don't worry but what happened , and why will you guys die huh . Nothing will happen to you all , hmm !! she said in a worried and soothing voice but BTS were too busy in whining to notice it or let it effect their heart . 

 J hope : Thanks a lot , I promise I will treat you in your favorite restaurant . 

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