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Well they all failed to notice the small sly smirk on y/n's lips , and well taehyung ! he forgot something so important and now his legs are going to pay for it . Yes he forgot his phone , from which he could message the person to start the lift . You dirty minded people . 

When tae hyung came out of the cabin , he checked his pocket to take out the phone and message his worker to restart the lift , of course he wasn't planning to climb all up to the 18th floor  . But to his bad luck , his pocket was empty . He couldn't even go back to the cabin as he knew how stubborn y/n is and how she is  gonna nag him to go urgently and he will not be able to take his phone out of the cabin by any means . Now the only option was climbing the stairs which currently felt like mount Everest to him  , more difficult perhaps . He started climbing the  mount Everest I mean the stairs  using all the swear words he know to curse y/n on the way  and wondering from where sh egot the stamina  to do it . Finally after all the struggles , he reached 18th floor and went to Mr Kang's cabin . And of course he entered without knocking , duhh he is the owner !! 

Tae hyung : Yes Mr Kang , show me what you wanted to show . 

Mr Kang : Sorry sir , I don't understand . I don't want to show you anything !

he said while blushing , cuz he thought something else . Well plot twist Mr kang has crush on tae hyung . 

Tae hyung : Huh ? But miss y/n said that you had called me , as you wanted to show me something and you couldn't mail it to me . 

Mr Kang : No sir , I didn't say anything like this . She just came here and took the file . 

Tae hyung : Okay thanks , may be I misheard !! 

Tae hyung was angry would be an understatement , he was like a volcano ready to explode right now and he is definitely gonna explode on y/n right now , he went down to the second floor fumign with anger , his face red , hands clenched and veins ready to burst out of his neck . 

As soon as he reached the cabin , he slammed opened the door and attacked on y/n . 

Tae hyung : You said we are gonna be professional here right ? Then why the fuck did you say that Mr kang has called me urgently when in fact he never did  . He practically shouted on her but y/n didn't even flinced . 

Y/N : Well sir , I am sorry to say but I accidentally heard your conversation few minutes before . Where you called someone and asked them to close the lift . I totally understand you must be concerned about my health , so I though I should also payback my boss's concern . It was nothing personal sir . I hoped your lungs enjoyed it . And I  belive you had fun , right Mr Jimin ? 

Tae hyung was now embarrassed as he got to know that y/n had heard his conversation and jimin he just didn't say anything and pretend like he didn't heard anything . Wanna know about rest of their brothers ? Well they were kinda eating their own  lips , to control their laugh but when y/n saw their expression she bursted out laughing and the rest followed . And the soulamtes were just embarrassed . Ironically , both thought the same thing " You are gonna pay for this y/n "

Y/N : Oh sir we are getting late for the sight review , I will arrange the car ! 

Jin : Miss Y/N you are also coming with us to the sight , recheck all the papers before that . 

Y/N : Okay sir ! 

Soon they all left for the meeting , maknae line in one car , suga hobi and namjoon in another and in the third were Jin and y/n . 

Y/N was about to sit at the backseat as she thought it would be awkward to sit with jin in the passenger seat but jin said I don't think being a CEO I need to do the job of a driver so come and sit on the passenger seat . 

Y/N : Sorry , sir . 

In the car it was an awkward silence , something just didn't feel good . Their car was in the front behind them was suga's car and at last the maknaes . They reachred the sight on time nd in about just 2 minutes the client came too . They reviewed the sight , wether it was suitable for construction or not , how much harm it would cause to environment , well they always tried their best t minimise the harm to nature by their projects . One off the reasons they were the  top company . After reviewing it properly , the papers were signed and nowo they were heading back to their office still sitting in the same order and there cars moving in the same order . But but but 

Cliffhanger sweeties 

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