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Just after 2 - 3 hours of the sleep they all heard a scream from the room beside them and immediately woke up . Without caring about anything , even the fact that half of them are not wearing their shirts  they dashed to the room beside , which belonged to their wife . Being a mafia all negative thoughts were lingering in their head , jung kook even brought his gun with him just in case . but their worry was somehow relieved when they saw no one was in her room but again they heard her screaming . Jin was the first to react and made his way toward his whimpering and screaming  wife . She was sweating a lot and squirming in her place . He made her sit on the bed with the support of a bedpost  and tried to wake her up , but even after repeated attempts she wasn't waking up , he tried to sprinkle to some water on her face but all in vain  , she just kept  kept mumbling a few incoherent phrases " No no do-don't leave me " " Y-you pro-promised me .... " I lo-ove you " " NOO " " I can't " " pl-lease " 

They wondered whom she is saying I love you and referring to  , but this wasn't a time to think about this  neither was the situation . she looked miserable and desperate  , Yoongi called her parents seeing they were not able to handle the situation ,  as her parents  would of course know how to handle the situation not minding how late it is . After few rings her father pick up the call and spoke in a sleepy and raspy voice " Hello yoongi what happened ? Is everything alright ? " 

Yoongi : No uncle , y/n has been having some nightmares I guess and she isn't waking up , she just keeps whimpering and speaking something like don't leave me , I love you . 

Mr Choi : Oh my child !! She is again having nightmares , just hug her and rub her back she will wake up or at least the nightmares will stop .

Yoongi : Okay uncle  thanks , I will cut the call . Good night !

Mr Choi : Good night and thanks for taking care of her . 

Yoongi : Please don't uncle  , you have trusted us on her . We won't let you down neither appa ! 

Yoongi had kept the call on speaker only so they all heard the conversation too and Jin immediately hugged her and started rubbing her back soothingly and drawing circles to calm her down , and it worked . She snuggled her face in his chest , still asleep an hugged his neck . The sight was adorable , She didn't wanted to leave the comfort and warmth . Jin stood up with y/n still hugging him , her legs wrapped around his tiny waist and head on the broad shoulders  and went towards their room as they all thought it would be better if she sleeps with them , just in case she gest another nightmare  . They layed her on one of the four king sized beds and beside her layed yoongi . He hugged her and covered both of them with duvet . Finally they all slept tiredly but a peaceful one .

Next morning when y/n woke up he was shocked to find herself in bts's room . This was the first time she had seen the room from inside . To add more to her shock she saw yoongi was hugging her . " God why does it always have to be yoongi who hugs me . But wait when did I started sleep walking . I am dead now they will for sure kill me . Wait y/n let's wake up before they notice you an they won't know  " she thought to herself . As she was struggling to free herself from the protective and safe grip of yoongi's embrace he woke up and said " Yahh what are you doing , sleep it is still early " other members woke up too hearing her voices . 

Y/N : See I am really sorry , I don't know when I started sleep walking but I didn't mean to come in your room . I will go back to my room just don't be angry . 

J hope : Don't worry you don't sleepwalk and why we will be angry , when we are the one who brought you here ? 

Y/N : Huh ? What do you mean ?

Namjoon : You were having nightmares yesterday so we came to your room . But you were not waking up so we called your father and he told us to hug you so we brought you here . 

Y/N : Oh I am really sorry but thank you for yesterday . 

Jin : It is fine but whom were you saying please don't go and I love you ? 

Y/N : Actually , that ....ummm .. it was 

seeing her hesitation they all thought not to ask her more as they are still not that close and by any human instinct they thought she must be talking about her past lover . 

Jimin : It is okay you don't need to tell . 

The atmosphere was awkward now and the maknae bunny being the smart person he is cracked a joke which immediately filled the then awkward atmosphere with laughter . 

Jung kook : Oh y/n by the way won't you now not say who beautiful you are an 

Tae hyung : And your lemons too , damn ! everyone started laughing and y/n covered herself with duvet because of course she was sleeping without her inners . 

Y/N : So what , see half of you are sleeping without your shirts . she said pointing to namjoon jung kook and j hope . Girls also want to sleep peacefully and comfortably you will never know how uncomfortable they feel .

Jimin : Sucks to be you .

Yoongi : And you sleep in this room only , I can't ruin my sleep daily . 

Y/N : rudie grandpa . 

Yoongi : Why don't you ever thank me ungrateful brat . 

And again they all started laughing seeing their savge hyung all grumpy and cute  . Not love but the flower of friendship was blooming now . 

Hello , sorry for the late update but now till 21st December I won't be able to update everyday as my pre boards have started , I will try to update in between if I get time . I hope you will wait till then and still support the book . 

Thanks a lot and we are close to 3 k . It is already 2.7 k reads right now !

My insta I ' D - koya.rm94

Word count : 1165

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