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Though I didn't get 10 votes in the last chapter but I got 8 which was a close one . I hope I will get 10 votes on this chapter .

After Jung kook took y/n to her room , he helped her lay down and tugged her on the bed . Waiting for few minutes and after he heard her snore he left her room and went to his own room for freshening up . After about 2 hours y/n finally woke up from her sleep and looked at the time from her phone which was kept on the night stand . It was 8 pm , dinner time . 

She stood up from bed and went downstairs to cook her dinner , she could have ordered something for herself but she wanted to eat home made food right now , and her husbands have clearly told her to cook for herself , so left with no option she started taking out the utensils . She was having great difficulty minding the fact that she could only use one hand . Seeing the difficulty she thought to use her other hand too but regretted immediately and a small painful scream escaped her mouth . 

As she was doing this great work , jin came downstairs too and seeing her pulling the stunt he immediately shouted her name , and hearing the shout she flinched and the pan in her hand fell down . 

Jin : YAHHH y/nnnn . 

Y/N : Wae , what happened why are you shouting .

Jin : What the hell are you doing in the kitchen ? 

Y/N  : Of course cooking my dinner , I won't dance in kitchen right ? 

Jin : Shut up , don't you know doctor asked you not to do anything from your hand . 

Y/N : Stop scolding me , you want me to starve ? I wanted to eat home made food so i was cooking . 

Jin : You could have asked me right , now sit on the table quietly , I am making your food too from now . 

Y/N : Am I supposed to thank you ? she said sassily and went to sit on the table and started scrolling on her phone . 

Soon others also came and settled themselves on the dining table while jin served the dinner , no one spoke anything after seeing jin serving too , as it was obvious . They all had  their dinner in peaceful silence which wasn't awkward . 

After having the dinner y/n was about to pick up her dish and take it to basin for washing , but a hand stopped her and the owner of the hand said -

Yoongi : No need to wash it , just leave it here we will take it and wait for me in the room . I will come with your medicines . 

Y/N : thanks a lot , good night everyone . She wished them and went upstairs , soon after yoongi came with a water bottle and her medicines . Seeing the medicines she made a disgusted face and was about to refuse but gulped down nothing from her dry throat seeing the glare of yoongi .

Yoongi made sure she had all of her medicines and after she took them , he patted her head twice and left . 

After this y/n thought - Do they think me of pet or something , why do they keep patting my head as if I am a toddler , one more pat and there hairs will know the pain .

They all slept peacefully and next morning started peacefully an beautifully for all of them . Jin cooking dinner for all if them and jung kook and y/n bickering with each other because he keep patting her head . 

To be continues .

I know this is a short one but my pre boards are going on and I am trying my best to upload whenever possible , but I promise next chapter will be a longer one . 

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