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I don't know why but the votes are decreasing each chapter . I started with 11-12 votes per chapter but now it's only 5-6 . Aren't you all liking the story ? 

Also , I hope I can get 10 votes on this chapter than it will become 200 votes in total .

Well but everything doesn't go as planned right ? Although Jin's  complete focus was on the road but out of the blue  there was a loud voice as if a bomb blasted nearby  and before any of them  could react  their car crashed into a tree . Neither of them realised what happened . It was their tier which got burst out and due to the speed , the car lost its balance and dashed to the tree . The other BTS members immediately parked their car alongside the road and marched towards their beloved hyung . To their luck their hyung was all perfect without a single scratch , the airbag did its work perfectly . They were busy in inspecting their  perfectly fine hyung when they heard a painful groan and finally realized the other presence in the car  . 

The sight wasn't much pleasant , although the air bag on her side opened too but a tree branch had broken through the window and pierced through her hand basically , it passed through her hand and it was bleeding like anything . 

Instantly guilt and a tint of worry took over them as they forgot to notice her earlier , and were just busy with their hyung .  jung kook quickly came to her side while jin opened his seat belt and turned towards her . 

Jung kook : Oh my god , hyung how do we take this branch out of her hand , it will pain a lot , we just can't pull it off . 

Y/N : Please do anything just remove this from my hand , it is really paining . 

Well some thing  like this , instead of the nail imagine the tree branch and it had completely passed through her hand like from the both sides of the hand

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Well some thing  like this , instead of the nail imagine the tree branch and it had completely passed through her hand like from the both sides of the hand . I hope you understand . 

Jin : No we can't take this out ourselves , it will be very painful neither it is safe . 

Jung kook : Hyung what should we do then , we just can't keep waiting here for ambulance . We are in a remote area right now , I doubt mobile network will come here . 

Jin : Just check if there is something in the car trunk by which we can cut the branch  , we can't remove it ourselves but if we detach the branch and the part stuck in her hand we can atleats take her to hospital . 

Jimin and taehyung : Wait hyung we will check . Soon they both came with something in their hand  which could at least cut the branch and give a bit relief to her for now . Namjoon slowly and carefully slid the axe on the branch to cut it and soon it was detached , making all of them sigh in relief . 

Jin took the cushion that was kept in the car and asked hobi to slowly put her hand on it , so that she doesn't feel the weight of the branch still stuck in her hand and then they slowly made her come out of the car with the help of suga and namjoon , hobi was still holding the cushion on which y/n's hand was so that he can hold the weight and she doesn't need to add more strain . She wasn't saying anything just sobbing because of the immense pain she was feeling . It was difficult for her to walk as she was just too tired to think about something else other than the pain in her hand , so Jung kook picked her up and went to the second car as jin's car was in no condition to work right now . Y/N wasn't ready to leave jung kook so she  just softly clenched on his shirt , and like as if he also understood what she meant just by her small action made her sit on the lap , jimin holding the cushion this time instead . And finally , they settled in the car and drove off to the hospital , all along the way Jung kook just kept patting her head and assuring her that she would be fine and how strong he is . Tae hyung was driving the car while jimin and jung kook were sitting on the back seat , y/n on jun kook's lap . 

Jimin : You are strong right , you fought with the biggest bullies of the college so stop crying ... See we are about to reach the hospital .. 

Hearing this y/n just giggled softly , as she thought how they are calling themselves bullies and it  brought a small smile to all of their faces ( I mean the maknae line as hyung line is in another car ) " Okay I won't cry now  , I am a strong girl " she said finally taking out her face from the heavenly chest of Jung kook for the first time in the whole ride to the hospital " But you know right I am scared of hospital stuff and injections . " she blurted out with a sad pout playing  on her lips . 

Taehyung from the driving seat said Don't worry if it pains I will beat the doctor , I am also a strong boy you know . He spoke in a tone as if he is speaking to a toddler . 

Y/N : Yes yes strong boy !! she said in a mocking way and everyone bursted  out giggling . 

Soon they reached the hospital , jung kook was still carrying y/n while Jimin was holding on to the cushion making sure her hand doesn't need to feel even the slightest weight . Jin had already informed the hospital and a room was prepared for her . The doctor came and examined the injury very carefully , he knows how to save his dear life (●'◡'●)  and  told that there is no need for surgery , they can just numb her hand and then take it out . Also if someone wants to stay with her in the room during the treatment they can  . Jin immediately volunteered as he was feeling the most guilty , about being the person who was with her in the car at the time of accident , the one who was driving the car . Jung kook too insisted on staying along with his hyung and y/n . 

After few minutes the doctor came back with  their hands covered in gloves  ,surgical mask on their face , and other medical equipment required , only jin and jung kook was their with y/n right now and jin was  rubbing her other hand in a comforting way . Seeing the injection y/n again started crying but Jin was quick to divert her mind and started telling her some business related talks , he knew how serious she is when it comes to work and it did help to divert her mind from the injection  she totally forgot about the injection and started talking with jin . Being oblivious to her surroundings the doctor injected her  to make her hand numb and she didn't even realised it . 

Jung kook  : See such a workaholic you are , you didn't even realised that doctor injected you . The same injection for which you were crying few minutes back . He said again patting her head . 

Y/N : Ohh she said while scrunching her nose awkwardly or may be because she was embarrassed and shy !

Soon the doctor started the treatment , he first cleaned her hand with the antiseptic but she didn't feel any burning due to the anesthesia she was injected  , after that the doctor made a small cut around the area branch has passed so that they can take out the branch of her hand . 

To be continued 

Well this is the longest chapter I have written so far I guess . Do vote 

Word count : 1418

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