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I finished my assignments early so thought I can update now only so here is the new chapter . Enjoy !

The next morning y/n woke up early due to the sunlight coming from the window , uff she forgot to shut the curtains yesterday before sleeping but still , it was something to be shocked about shrugging it off she went to freshen up and wear formal clothes , remember she has an interview today . After admiring herself for a few minutes in the mirror she went downstairs and started cooking for herself .

Y/N : Umm should I cook for them ? Nope , I won't those meany ass are just loosing their chance to eat my hand made food let them cook for themself today . 

soon jin also came to the kitchen  and joined her for  cooking both minding their own business , y/n was just humming some tunes while jin was thinking about how good she looked in formal , even though they don't like her but about this they can't lie she was looking stunning in formals . 

Well let me clear one thing , it won't be like that typical story where they love the main lead since the start but don't realize it . Currently , they don't like her in a romantic way at all , you can say they kinda hate her as they didn't want to marry but just agreed because of their father , and also she always used to interrupt them in college . With flow things might change but right now there is no love or liking 

Jin POV 

She looks stunning but wait I shouldn't think about this right now I need to think a way about what jung kook told yesterday , all the time cooking I  was thinking about a way . Soon my brothers came down staris by the time me and y/n both were finished with cooking . Not gonna lie her cooking is tasty but me and my brothers don't want to take any sort of help from her and god knows if she mix some thing in the food . 

Jin POV ends . 

Soon everyone started eating their breakfast in silence , y/n was the first to finish . After excusing herself she stood up from the dining table and went to wash her dishes soon she came back and asked tae hyung , " Where is yeontan ? I need to give him his food . " " Oh he is still sleeping in my room , you can pick him from there " replied tae hyung . But being unsure because of their behaviour so far , she asked " It 's fine if I enter your room ? " tae hyung coudn't say much but just said yeah rather awkardly . Y/N just nodded and went to the room and soon came downstairs with the cute fluff ball in her hands , she sat him on the sofa and went to bring milk from the kitchen and put it in his bowl , while he was drinking the milk she went to fill his bowl with the dogs food and fed him lovingly , after finishing his break fast tae hyung also joined her and started playing with the dog . After few minutes all of them finished their breakfast and asked tae hyung to come as it was the time for office . 

Y/N : Do you have spare key for the main gate ? As I will be also out and I really don't wanna wait outside the house . 

Namjoon : Yeah I have one wait let me bring . saying this he went to his room and in about 5  minutes came back with 2 keys and gave them to y/n 

Y/N : Thanks a lot , bye ! and again without returning the good bye they went to their office . 

In BTS Car 

Jung kook : Hyungs did you thought of anything ? 

Jin : I didn't realise we could be this dumb to be honest ? 

Jimin : Yahh hyung we are not dumb . 

Jin : Really then why were we thinking of a Idea when we all veyr well know that the way is that someone takes our interview , that's how everyone is assessed for their capabilities. God why you gave me such dumb brothers . 

Meanwhile rm fake coughed in his 148 IQ !!

Jin to the driver : Please take the car towards appa's house . and you all I have brought your documents I will ask appa to take our interview just in the same way he would take it for other employes . 

J hope : Yahh hyungie you are so smart for real you even brought our documents . 

Soon they reached their appa's mansion 

BTS : Good morning eomma and appa .

Mr Kim : Good morning babies I missed you all .

BTS : Same here appa , also we have something to tell you .

Mrs Kim : What ? That you already made y/n pregnant I knew you guys are not after your father ! he took so long .

do you get deja vu 

hearing this they just smiled awkwardly like what are they supposed to reply to this comment , like asking their mother how much time their father took or asking their father why he took so much time . 

BTS : No eomma , we need time and we wanted to tell you something work - related . 

Mr Kim : What is it , were their any problem yesterday . 

Yoongi : No appa , but we don't want to be the ceo .

Mrs Kim : Yahh you brat I can't conceive another child now at this age  who will take after the company and your father is super slow too . 

BTS : yahh eomma , let us complete first .

and what do you thin Mr kim is not syaing anything , he is gonna she it her at night ( what the fuck is wrong with me bringing romance to almost old couples (●'◡'●) ) 

Mr Kim : What do you mean then ? 

BTS : actually appa -

they narrated the whole thing about how they feel being the ceo like this without any test or interview and mr kim also thought that they are right but he knows his sons well  , that his osns won't think this way on their own . It was his sons dream to take over the company and now they are saying all this so he said .

Mr Kim : I totally agree with what you said but I also know my sons can't think this way so now tell whose words are these . 

Tae hyung : Appa y/n was telling us that she will be applying for a job and said she doesn't want to take over the company just because of her father and then kook made us realise that we were also doing the same thing . 

Jimin : We don't want to work for someone else but if you could please take our interview just like you would do to other employess and please be honest , even if one of us in not capable , he wouldn't take the post and just choose some other career options . 

Mr Kim : I am proud of you sons and don't worry I will take your interview and you can't address me as appa as that time , okay ? 

BTS : thanks a lot appa and don't worry we won't disappoint you . Saying this they engulfed their parents in a group hug and their parents kissed each of their foreheads affectionately. 

To be continued 

But don't forget to say  rip to mrs kim's legs 

Hello , please do vote and comment else how would I know that wether you are liking the story line  , the plot or not . 

See ya then in next chapter , take care !!

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