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Well I am not getting the same response in this story as my other stories had. Should I stop? I know it's just the third chapter but my all other books had better response and without response their is no motivating to write so please do vote and comment your ideas 

J hope and y/n were now in the detention room still arguing about whose fault it was. But we all know it was an argument without an end, the teacher already scold them for the fourth time but who they are to listen 

Teacher: This is the last time I am warning you both shut your mouth or else you will taste my slippers 

J hope whispered to himself why is the teacher behaving like jin Hyung but y/n heard it too and started giggling 

Teacher: Choi y/n don't you understand at once huh

saying this she throws her pink slipper at the beautiful face of our y/n who couldn't dodge it . Now j hope also started giggling only to receive the other slipper on his face and they both muttered bitch 

Y/N: Hey 

j hope: Isn't your face satisfied with the slipper that you are again talking 

Y/N: Will You listen to me or you don't love your hair anymore

J Hope: You monkey stop being jealous of my silky and smooth hair and tell me what you wanna say 

Y/N: Wanna go out of this hell? 

J hope: How? 

Y/N: Yes or no? 

J hope: of course yes but how? 

Y/n: Just follow me 

j hope just nodded not knowing what y/n is planning still scared for his precious hair. Soon his thoughts broke by y/n shouting ahh it's hurting and clutching her stomach. By the way, she was shouting and clutching her stomach it was looking very painful and he offered his hand to y/n to hold 

Teacher: What happened y/n? 

Y/N: Mam I don't know what happened my stomach is hurting a lot even m-more than cramps... I didn't even eat an-anything Junk nor it's my period ... ahh it's hurting mam I can't bear it ...ur-urgh

Teacher: Yah go to the infirmary hmm ... the pain will go away 

the teacher responded in a soft soothing voice and to which y/n responded by nodding. Soon she stood up to go to the infirmary only to fall on her knees still clutching her knees 

Teacher: Yahhh hoseok-ah ... What are you seeing huh, help her to go to the infirmary...

j hope who was still shocked about what was happening shook away his thoughts and bent to y/n's level and picked her up securely in his arms and y/n also wrapped her one hand around his neck the other hand still clutching her stomach 

Y/N: Mam may I take our bags too ... I don't know h-how much time it will take i-in the infirmary 

Teacher: Sure child ... And if you still don't feel good then don't come to school tomorrow hmm ... Take care and hoseok-ah take her there safely 

J hope again just nodded and held their bags and y/n and went out of the class. As soon as they were in the hallway y/n jumped out of his arms and started praising herself for her amajing acting 

Y/N: See we came out of that hell I am so smart ... Just can't show it during exams 

J hope: So you were acting all this time? 

he asked with his mouth wide open 

Y/N: Of course bruh, else we would still be stuck in that detention ... You can treat me with lunch as a payback 

J hope: Omo you are a great actor, for  a moment I really thought you were really in pain and I got so worried 

Y/N: Well, you aren't that bad just you need to stop bullying 

J hope: Well, you aren't that bad too you just need to stop poking your nose in other's business 

Y/N: Yahh why do you and your brothers keep copying my dialogue, I will look forward to the day you will not copy my dialogue 

J hope: I will also look forward to the day you stop poking your nose in our business 

Y/N: Fucker, still copying my lines ...NVM you still owe me lunch. Don't worry I will make sure you will be on the roads 

J hope: Rip my rich ass ...Bye see ya tomorrow with a new bullying 

Y/N: Sure, with me, again poking my nose in your business.










???- Boss, gotcha their  weakness 

To be continued 

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