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While they were going back to their house , jimin started coughing loudly . This woke up the tired duo of jung kook and y/n who were sleeping . Jin immediately gave him water and patted his back , while he was patting jimin's back he heard sneezing sound and saw namjoon with his hands on his nose and still sneezing . 

Y/N : Gosh , see you guys caught cold , I told you not to eat ice cream . Wait till we reach home I will make warm soup it will help . 

they just mumbled a small thanks as all of their condition was not good right now and definitely they did not had the energy to argue .

After they reached home , y/n quickly went to the bathroom and came back quickly after washing her hands and face . All of them were lying on the couches of living room tiredly , some coughing , some sneezing and few of them had teary eyes because of cold . 

Y/N : I have warmed the water , all of you go and freshen up and when I come upstairs you all should be tucked in beds , No A.C . she spoke in such an intimidating that it even managed to scare the two eldest , they nodded like small children and left to do what was told to them .

Within 20 minutes they took shower and went to bed and wrapped themselves in the blankets afraid to get scolded by their cute wife . After 10 minutes when came back with a food trolley on which 7 glasses of fresh juice and 7 bowls of soup were kept . She cooed at the sight of her adorable husbands ,who would say they are the cold ceo's but right now they were looking so cute and tiny with their face and nose  red ,  wrapped in blankets . Listening to everything she told them too . BTS were busy in their own thought , and the chain of the thoughts was broken by y/n saying " See now you look like good boys , but first let me check your temperature just in case you caught fever too " 

They all just showed that they were annoyed by the childish compliment but they definitely blushed which got hidden due to their already red face . Y/N came and checked everyone's temperature , everyone definitely had fever over or near 1 but suga had the highest . It was almost 2 . 

Y/N : See grumpy grandpa , you got the highest fever . You all should start listening to me . 

Jin : Give your lecture afterwards , first give me the soup . It smells so good . 

Y/N : Omo Mr Kim Seokjin said my cooking smells good , ask for it nicely first . 

Jin knew she would give it to them even if he say it tastes very bad but anyways decided to play  along a little with the childish act of his wife . 

Jin : Please Mrs Kim Y/N give me the delicious soup you have made . 

y/n : he he , here have it . You can have it by yourself ? 

Jin : Yeah I am good , thanks .

She then went towards yoongi and gave him the soup bowl but he started showing tantrums . It was new for her to see yoongi being all childish . 

Yoongi : Hyungie , I don't wanna eat . he snuggled even more into his hyung . 

Jin : Y/N I will take care of him , he is a bit clingy when he is sick . 

Y/N : No you won't I will do it , you are yourself sick . Just wait for 5 minutes let me give the soup to others . 

After giving the soup to everyone else , she came back and started feeding yoongi like he is a toddler , nd he also didn't protested much as long as he was able to hug his hyung . Soon she was done with feeing him , she wiped his face with napkin and then gave him the juice . After they all were done with the soup and juice she went outside and asked them to wait for her . She came back with few tablets in her hand and jar of water . 

Y/N : Just have them you should be fine by morning then , also I am rescheduling your meetings for tomorrow . 

Jung kook : No y-you wo-won't , it is an im-important meet-ting . he spoke with difficulty because of the nose blockage 

Y/N : see you can't even speak one sentence properly how will you attend meeting , now eat these tablets and sleep . 

They all had their tablets well not yoongi he again started throwing tanturms but jin was quick to react and helped his brother and may be his wife too . 

Soon they all slept , y/n sleeping with tae hyung today instead as the kitten was sleeping with his hyung but her sleep was not long before it got interrupted again by coughing and sneezing sound , she was very tired but that did not matter right now . She slowly stood up from the bed and checked all of them , their fever had definitely increased . she went to the kitchen and brought ice cubes and some towles . She filled some bowls with water and added the cubes to it . After opening just the night lamp , so that their sleep doesn't get disturbed . She had to treat 7 people and she was just one , so she brought 7 towels and one by one kept it on their head , then she came again and changed their towels one by one , she repeated this for at least 10 times and now she was tired af . If she would change the towels for just one person at a time it would take forever neither they will get relief so this was the best option , at last when she finally felt their temperature was a bit normal , she just slept on the floor beside the bed on which jimin and jung kook was sleeping while checking his temperature . 

Next morning when they woke up , their temperature was normal and cold was much better , they panicked for a moment when they didn't see y/n as now a days she rarely wakes up early but when they saw her on the floor hand still on kook's forehead they cooed at the sight . Namjoon got up from the bed and picked up y/n from the ground and laid her on bed and draped her with blankets , they let her sleep for some more time as they knew she was awake the whole night yesterday . Jin went down to make break fast , he knows y/n wouldn't let him make break fast but he is using it as a advantage , now that she is sleeping . Not knowing that he is inviting a long scolding . 

We are close to 3k and u guys really did the target of 10 votes and 3 votes . 

Can it be 11 votes and 3 comments on this one , please please !! 

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