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Time skip to the evening at the cafe 

Boemgyu : Yahhh hyung this girl is again late , next time I am not gonna wait for her . I swear 

Soobin : We can do nothing except for waiting . But any ways I agree with you.

Y/N : Hey guys I am sorry for being late . I promise this is the last time . she said while scratching her neck awkwardly 

Yeonjun : You say this every time but still you are late every time . 

He said with a poker face as they were seriously done with her being late every time . But y/n being the cute fluffy ball she is showed her puppy eyes to them and they agreed , and just like every time promising this to be the last time. 

But of course this is never gonna be the last time * insert jk's voice * 

Beomgyu : Ok enough now . Tell us what you wanted to say . I have been dying out of curiosity

Y/N : Gossip queen suits you . 

Beomgyu : And what about you ? drama queen ? Do I need to remind how you acted fake sick ?

Y/N : And should I tell how you .

She got interrupted by a loud bang only to see a fuming yeonjun and soobin  who banged his hand on the table . Seeing their scary faces was more than enough to make both of them shut their mouth . Of course some weird stares from other customers too , but they all are experts in ignoring stares after all .

Y/N and beomgyu : We are sorry .

they said to soobin and yeonjun and not forgetting to glare each other 

Soobin : Now are you gonna tell the important thing or not ? 

Y/N : Yes yes . So the thing is that ummm -

they noticed her uneasiness and said it's okay she can take her time not like they were the one who were asking her to say it hurriedly few minutes back 

Y/N : The thing is that I am getting married .

They three all together : WHATTT 

and again ignoring all the stares they got . If they keep shouting like this , I wouldn't be shocked if the owner kicks them out of his cafe . 

Soobin : Who the fuck he is ? 

Yeonjun : How old he is ? 

Boemgyu : Is he affectionate ? 

Yeonjun : And most important question when did you get a boy friend 

Y/N felt happy seeing them all overprotective for her they had always been a brother figure to her on whom she could rely on anytime without the look of judgemental . That's how their bond was no matte how much they fight they loved each other to the end . 

Y/N : First of all not he - 

Beomgyu : What the fuck you are marrying a  girl ? When did you become lesbo ? 

Y/N : Dumbo will you let me speak . I am saying that it is not he but them and they are the coldest and rude person I know and infact you all know them too . And they are not my boy friend . It is an arrange marriage and we are marrying for the sake of our parents . Any questions now ? 

She let out a big breath after spitting out everything . But when she looked at them their reaction was just so . All of their mouths were so wide open as if they saw the god . 

Soobin : Ho-how many ? he was just too stunned to talk 

Y/N : Seven and they are none other than the great bully of our college 

They three all together : BTS ???????????

now even the owner was glaring them because of how loud they were being . 

Yeonjun : Are you happy ? 

Y/N : Yes and you guys know right even though they are cold and rude I had a small crush on them so it's fine 

so yeah y/n had a crush on them and they were the one who she was thinking about when her parents asked her if she loved someone . And see destiny now she is marrying them but aware of the fact that they don't like her . 

Soobin : It's good then . Let's leave for home now it's pretty late 

Y/N : Yahh , bye see ya tomorrow 

they bid good bye and left for their home . 

To be continued 

Hey do comment your ideas and reviews about the story it do helps to create a better plot and storyline . And did you all see the astronaut MV . IT's just so emotional but it's okay we will wait till 2025 for them 

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