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Y/N : What the fuck they have only one bathroom in the room . As far as I remember they came out of the room after getting freshened up only . If they take bath one by one in one bathroom only wouldn't that take a lot of time ? But what if they took bath at the same time . 

Now I am damn sure these brothers are gay for themselves who the fuck live sin the same room and also bathes together . Oh god , where am I stuck ? Y/N calm down you need to be sane right wait the only sane person in the house I am sure they have some bipolar disorder . Let's just search for job right now . 

Y/N started to search for jobs as she want nothing because of her father but because of her own talent  and applied at various multi - national companies one of them was even among the top 5 companies in the world . Soon she was done with her job hunt and decided to cook lunch for herself . After having a delicious meal while watching t .v she decided to take a nap but too lazy to go to the room she slept on the sofa only in the living room . 

Few hours passed but now y/n's sleep got interrupted because of her phone ringing . She groaned due to the disturbance but anyways picked up the phone and said hello with a husky sleepy voice . 

Y/N : Hello , who is it ? 

Person : Hello I am speaking from Kim Corporations  , you sent your resume at the company . If not wrong I am speaking to Miss y/n right ? 

Y/N : Oh yes it is me only and I applied online for the job . 

Person : That's great  I called you to inform that you have to come to the company tomorrow for the interview and if you get selected is it fine for you to start working from tomorrow itself ? 

Y/N : Yes it is totally fine . Thanks a lot  and with that she hung up the call and started jumping  on the sofa because of excitement and happiness . 

Y/N : yahh finally I am getting the job . Lemme tell eomma and appa they will be happy to hear IT . 

On the call 

Y/N : Hello eomma how are you ? 

Mrs choi : I am good , how about you 

Y/N : I am also good , can you put the phone on speaker I need to tell some thing to you and appa .

Mrs Choi : Ommo my daughter is so fast  , you are already pregnant .

Y/N : yahh eomma I am too young and I have to tell some hting improtant just put the call on speaker , palli palli . 

Mr choi : Yahh you old woman stop teasing my daughter and princess tell what is it ? 

Mrs Choi : Yeahh you and your princess I am just a third wheel . 

Y/N : Appa you know I got  a call from a very famous and successful company I have my interview tomorrow . 

Mr Choi :  Jinja ! I am so proud of you daughter . What is the company name by the way ? 

just as y/n was about the speak the door bell rang 

Y/N : Ohh appa I will call you back later someone is on the door I guess . 

Mr choi : Okay princess take care , bye . 

when she opened the door she was mesmerized by what she saw in front of her like how can ........

Though I update on alternative days and I updated yesterday only but as today was one month into this book so I decided to update it . And please don't be a silent reader if not comment or something just vote so that I know that you people are liking and enjoying my work . It means a lot .

Take care till then 

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