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As soon as she opened the door she  saw nothing but the road after shifting her gaze in different directions and finally looking down wards she was awestruck with what was kept  there , it  was a small fluffy ball  but in a form of a cute  puppy in a basket covered with  a blanket . Seems like someone left it here . Y/N picked it up in her hands and saw a letter in the basket which just said 

Please take care of my dog . I can't afford it's  expenses anymore 

Y/N : Aww I will of course take care of this cutie . But what about my pain - in - ass husbands I wonder if they will agree in keeping a dog  . Never mind who cares for their opinion any ways right Mr cutie and they can't even resist a cutie like you I wonder how can they resist a hot wife like me ? she said while talking to the dog and as if the dog could understand what she was speaking he barked making her giggle .

The dog 

Y/N : umm let's name you

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Y/N : umm let's name you ... What about yeontan ? the dog barked again . Oh you liked it ? Okay then I will call you by this name only . But still you are my fluff ball , okay  ? she said while patting the dog's head affectionately which he loved .

Now you wait here for some time and be a good boy , hmm .  and I will go to the mall and come back quickly and bring your supplies okay fluff ball ? And again the cutie dog barked showing his excitement  Bhau Bhau . 

Y/N went to the mall to bring some essentials required for a pet dog like a food plate , their treats , collar and other stuff . It took her some time to pick up all the items as she was very selective and why not the dog is such a cutie one  . Soon she was done with all the stuffs and by now it was 8 in the night and not to lie she was tired af . Y/N : Ufff what happened to my stamina . When she reached home 2 cars were already parked in the garage and without a second thought she knew  they belonged to her husbands  or may I say so called husbands . 

Y/N : Oh you guys already here ? 

Taehyung : Now we can't even come to our own house ? he snapped rudely .

Y/N : I didn't mean this ,  any ways should I cook for you ? You all seem tired to cook for your self . 

RM : I hope we cleared it in the morning itself that we are not gonna eat the food made by you .

Y/N : I know I just thought that you will be tired after work so , I am sorry . she said rather in a low voice . 

Yoongi : We ate in the office ,  Any ways where were you ?

y/n  : Oh me , I went to the mall I had to  buy some stuff for yeontan .  and also I will be going out tomorrow for a job interview . 

Jin : Who is yeontan ? And you won't take over your father's company ? As far as I know you are a only child . 

Y/N : Yeah I am an only child . But I won't take over now as I first want some working experience so that I will get the post on my own  merits and not because of me being the daughter of CEO or hierarchy or something , it is no fun to get the post that  . Hearing this BTS felt a bit ashamed if they were to be honest as they also just took onto their father's position without any interview or something , though they are capable of passing it and have all the qualifications  but still they got it right now just because of  their father and not their qualification or something ,hierarchy yu see .  Also  having a degree and running a company are two very different things    . And about yeonton he is a dog and he is so cute belive me , someone left it at the door step today so I took it in . Wait lemme bring it  here . 

Before heaing if BTS even want to see the dog or not she just went in her room and brought the fluffy ball in her hands and BTS also thought it to be very cute ,  bts and yeontan got along very well especially tae hyung . The dog was just roaming around him and licking him ocassioanlly , while other members tried to divert it's attention towards themselves but Swaggy yeontan gave no fuck to them and continued licking tae hyung's face . It was a adorbale view for y/n as they all were pouting and giggling while playing with the fluff ball .

Tae hyung : He is really a cutie and see it is so fluffy . Y/N ahh can it please sleep with me today ? Or we can please divide the days of the week , please . 

Y/N : Ahh okay , but tomorrow it will sleep with me only .

Soon BTS went to their room with yeontan in hands of tae hyung . While y/n headed towards the kitchen to make something quick for herself as she was really tired after all those shopping and needed something to charge her self and soon she also went to her room and drifted in her dreamland . 

In the BTS room - 

Jung kook : Hyung I thought about what y/n said and she is right .

Tae hyung : I know right . She said the dog is a cutie and really he is . I am in love with this dog !!

Jung kook face palmed himself and said Hyung I am not talking about the dog but about the company . 

RM : What about the company kookie ? 

Jung kook : Hyung she was rigth , we also got the company just because we are the sons of appa even though we have the qualification but nobody took our intevriew or any kind of review which could assess if we are really worthy for the post or not , like her I don't want us to first work under someone else and get working experience but we can at least let someone access us so that even in future no one can question us and we also won't feel any guilt or heaviness ...

J hope : Oh my kookie when did you become so mature Jin hyung our baby grew up see 

Jung kook : Yahh hobi hyung stop babying me please you are only 2 - 3 years elder than me. 

Hobi : No you are still our baby and anyways I also think what junk kook said is right . 

Jin : Yeah me too . Don't worry I will think about how can we do this . Now you all go to sleep we have to reach office early tomorrow . 

Yoongi : Now no more discussions . Off to bed good night everyone and hyung . 

I am coming my bed I missed you .

?? - We don't want to be the CEO 

Hello guys a long chapter and we are gonna get 1k views and 100 votes very soon , thanks to all the readers for the support . See ya in next chapter till then take care 

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