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After about 30 minutes he was done with the break fast ,  he had made just  a simple break fast today minding the fact that all of them were sick and fancy break fast would just make it worse . All of them settled themselves on the table to dig in the break fast when Jimin spoke " Hyung should I wake up y/n for break fast " ?

Jin : No need , let her sleep for some for time , she must be tired  . I will cook something  for hern when she wakes up  . 

Jimin : Just say hyung that you don't wanna hear her rapping at you just like you do to us . 

Jin : Brat , I am your hyung you should support  me . I cooked even when I was sick for you all . 

All this time while they were busy fighting among them selves , they didn't know that  y/n was standing in the dining room hearing all of them bickering about it kinda fuming with anger may be as she had clearly told jin the previous night to not cook breakfast , yet he did it  . Jin was again gonna start rapping at his brothers when a not so soft voice interrupted his ranting to his brothers , his brothers thanked the person in their mind though . 

Y/N : Then you shouldn't have made it at the first place u know  Mr seokjin . 

Jin : Ohh y/n y-you , when did y-you come ?

Y/N : Wae , you don't  want me to be here ?

Jin : No no I didn't mean it in that way just startled seeing you here . I thought you were still sleeping .

Y/N : ohh  so thought full  of you , but why did you cook food when I clearly  told you not to ?

 Jin : Who s-said I cooked ? I di-didn't cook it . I ordered it from outside , right suga ? 

Suga : Ye-yeah . he spoke but thought to himself that why was  he dragged into this , what if y/n starts pulling his hairs because of it ? 

Y/N : Oh really , because i don't see any bill or packaging  , did you already throw it ? But the food still looks warm . sweet sacracasm literally dripping in her words .

Jin : Fine , I cooked it but only  because you were sleeping and outside food wouldn't have been healthy .

Namjoon : And before you say , why we didn't wake you up , it is because you were awake whole night and must have been tired  . Now no discussion , come and eat . 

Y/N : Fine , but do you guys still have fever ? 

Namjoon : No we don't .

Y/N : Even yoongi ? his was the highest ?

Yoongi : Yes yes I am good too . 

Y/N : oh okay , let's eat . 

After they were done eating they all decided to watch some movies as they didn't have office today and this was probably the best way right now to pass time , since their wife won't allow them to go outside  . It had been 2 hours since they were watching t.v . Suddenly y/n stood up and told them " Umm I am actually feeling sleepy , I will go and sleep . In my  room " Without giving them any time to speak or ask her anything  she went to her room and closed the door , while they resumed watching the movie  thinking she just must be tired because of yesterday . After one hour the movie finally ended and their eldest suggested that they should also sleep and take some rest . On the way to their room they heard some groans from the room beside them . J hope knocked at the door but received no reply so just went in to check onto y/n  . They saw her sleeping on the bed and just thought to leave the room but again they heard a whimper . The first thing that striked their mind was is she again having nightmare . Standing just on the head of the bed they saw her eyes were open means she wasn't having any nightmare but then why was she crying ?

J hope : Hey y/n what happened ? 

Y/n : No-nothing , I am f-fine . 

J hope :  No tell us what happened why are you crying ? Did you again got a  nightmare ? Why didn't you come to u or told us about it ?

Y/N : No I didn't get any nightmare and I am fine don't worry .

J hope : Y/N tell me . he now said in a stern tone as they all were worried that why is she suddenly crying ?

Y/N :It is just I got my periods and it hurt a lot , like I was kinda embarrassed to tell you about it so . she kept fidgitng her fingers throughout the time she spoke this sentence .

J hope : You should have just told us , there is nothing to be embarrassed about it , hmm . Now lay on the bed and we will make it vanish . You might not be aware of it but we know everything to do when a girl gets her periods .

Y/N : You had a girl friend before ?

Tae hyung : Nope , why what happened are you perhaps jealous ? he said with a smirk on his face  . 

Y/N : No , i was just wondering that then how do you know that what all things you should do and what not . 

Tae hyung : Oh that , we just saw appa doing it for eomma for a long period now , so we know it too . y/n just mouthed an oooh hearing this and laid back on the bed . 

She wasn't expecting them that they would take care of her this way , after she had a small chat with tae hyung she again laid back and decided to sleep , may be that could distract her mind . But she suddenly flinched when she felt a hand under her shirt .Yoongi : Shh It's just me , just sleep . I will only massage the stomach don't worry . He reassured her , sensing her concern .

Y/N : Ohh thanks . she mumbled and then again closed her eyes while yoongi went back to massage her stomach and she could feel another hand patting her head , not knowing who was the owner of the warm big hands . All this comfort made her relax and she slept immediately , yoongi was still massaging her stomach while tae hyung had stopped patting her head . Jin was in the kitchen making warm chocolate milk for her . They knew how painful it could be for girls and also saw there appa , the way he took care of their eomma and thought to give y/n the same treatment . Jimin and jung kook were out to the grocery shop to buy some heating pads , chocolates and pain killers , though they didn't prefer pain killers much as it could have adverse affect too but just in case the cramps become unbearable . When y/n woke up again Jin brought her the hot chocolate which she finished in just few sips , moaning at how tasty it was . Jung kook gave her the chocolates he had brought earlier and also the heating pad . 

She definitely wasn't feeling much pain now , she loved the way they treated her throughout the 5-6 days , considering every small to big thing about her and making her comfort the first priority , yoongi was definitely warm and a good person to hug and sleep with  . But may be this was the silence before the storm , May be the only  lovely moments they would have been left with  to cherish in future . 

I was supposed to post this tomorrow but when i came back from school today and opened wattpad , it had like 50+ notifications nd about 30 were of this books . Like really 13 votes and 5 comments on the last chapter . thanks a lot .

By the way , I saw some authors putting a chapter like ask me some questions , should I do too ?

Double update for you all !! 

Double update for you all !! 

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