Chapter 1

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'And the award for the best actress in a negative role on Indian Television goes tooooo' with a genuine smile Mrs Manya Nerurkar aka Manya Mam the veteran actress looked at me and said

'Take it away young lady...It's a hatrick for you!!' saying she called out my name loudly

'Ladies and Gentleman put a big round of applause for our Indian television's favorite vamp Miss Lavanya Khanna!!!'and the auditorium rang with a big round of applause. I slowly stood up adjusting my gown and walking towards the stage.

I noticed everyone's gaze on me however that one person whom I wanted to be here wasn't here. Inspite of my constant requests he wasn't here. I had even asked his assistant Toby who told me he will make sure to fly to Jaipur for this event. It wasn't so tough after all. This was his father's hometown. But when I was supposed to be awarded here, he wasn't here.

It had been a month almost that I had spoken to him properly. It would either be messages or silly forwards and now that has also lessened day after day and his rumours with Maddham Singha was making news. Audience already loved them as Rehaan and Anaita in their famous tv show 'Ishq-Dance of Love' when they played the leads in the show for 3 big years after multiple twists and turns before they both were killed in a car accident. Makers wanted them to come back with a plastic surgery but they asked for more money and although production house was happy paying the amount, the channel denied. They ended up doing multiple music videos and now they got a chance in a bollywood movie. Where as my character continued to play the vamp generation after generation. I was tired too but then my viewers loved to hate me. I was being paid very well because both production house and channel knew that now I was the face of the show and my character's sassy answers, bitchy plans and raunchy dresses declared me the 'National Vamp' so much so that the cat's Meow which was even a normal mewing now reminded me of my character's entry scene.

I had been informed about this event a month ago and I immediately called him so he can make it to the event but his words still hurt me a lot...

'Oh come on Lava... Shouldn't be a big deal babe! You get this award every year. What's so special' he said coughing a bit. His voice had changed slightly. He catches cold soon when he goes to hilly regions

'Adhik... Baby you seem unwell...did you catch cold?' I asked when he chuckled saying

'I am in Switzerland Lava...its snowing here!!! What do you expect babe?' he said as I heard someone giggle in the background and my throat felt clogged up.

' we have a call? And Toby told me you aren't shooting now. Isn't it late at night for you?' I asked and I heard the giggle more and he abruptly put me on hold and I froze. After a few seconds he said

'Sorry's the director!!! They...they are calling me for the next shot!!!' but I didn't hear any usual commotion in background. Just faint giggles and I knew it was probably her. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath and asked

'Is Maddham with you?' and he stuttered then said 'Yyyea!!! Yup!!! She is...And Lava...we are shooting late nights... and she is my female lead in this movie. It's our debut movie in Bollywood and you know how big this is for me? Don't you?' and I blinked and swallowed the lump in my throat.

Stop thinking about media rumours Lavanya!!! They just link up everyone with Adhik. You must be a supportive girlfriend.
Giving myself a pep talk I quickly asked

'Did you eat something baby?' and he said

'I am going to eat ... don't worry ok my hottie!!! Just eat some of your favorite chocolate and you will do great. I'll be back soon.' he said and I quickly aske

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