Chapter 32

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'And I wouldn't be staying in Mumbai all the time. I have shifted my base to Bangalore so I will be visiting Mumbai 3-4 days a week, I think that much should be enough. If I'm right Mr Khandelwal?' I asked the man sitting infront of me in a three piece suit. He was in his late fifties probably yet his calm demeanor was impressive.

'I have already assured you Miss Khanna...the shooting is going to be as per your comfort. And be rest assured, I or my son Rajveer Khandelwal are businessmen and we don't get involved in the process of movie making. Our technical department will handle it. Our producer Puneet and their team will take care of every detail. Your accomodation and stay and travel is our responsibility. We are happy that you took up this project.' he said with a smile and I had a strong itch why they insisted upon me being a part of this project. I wanted to make sure that dracula is nowhere involved into this production house.

'If you don't mind Mister Khandelwal...may I know why did your team insist upon me for this project? I mean this is a horror genre and I have never done this kind of a movie before, so why me? And please be honest. I need a genuine reason!!!' I said and he smiled saying

' are right. Me or my son have no idea about all this, I keep travelling around the world and my son is a thorough businessman and has no time for all this, you were a strong recommendation by one of our technical team members. One of our talented producer-director in our production house!!!' he said and suddenly my heart started beating loudly. What if it's Bharath? I heard he had come out on a bail and had joined some other production house.

'Can I meet the person please?' I asked and the man nodded with the smile. My fears however changed into sadness when I saw the person who recommended me.

'How have you been Mam?' and I didn't reply anything and simply took a sip from the hot cup of coffee without even looking in that direction.

'I know I must have hurt you Mam...but believe me, I didn't have a choice that time. I was been blackmailed, beaten and tortured. I didn't have the guts to even face you or ARS Sir. Please forgive me!!!' she said with tears in her eyes and I took a deep breath and looked at her. She was exactly the same person I had known eight months ago. If at all something, she had turned a little more healthier now.

We never had an idea about what she was going through behind those closed doors. Although I was upset that she betrayed me as a friend, I was happy that now she's in a health space. Shrav told me that she had managed to get her father and her siblings shift along with her to Mumbai. Atleast something good had happened for Haya since she had grown courage to fight this.

'If you think that by recommending me you would earn my apology then-

'No Mam...Punit and I have seen your Kannada web series that you worked upon recently and we strictly feel you will be the best fit for this role. We need a fresh yet an experienced face for the role and we all know what a fantastic actress you are!!!' she said with a smile and I took a deep breath and nodded.

'Not more than you though Haya!!! You were way too good!!!' I said and I noticed hurt on her face. I didn't want to hurt her but I couldn't subside my anger. Aditya had ruined everything for us but she was the one who had begun the fire. I couldn't forgive her either.

'I know I have hurt you Mam. I don't deserve to be called a friend but if you will ever try to trust me, I promise I will keep up your trust.' she said and I stood up abruptly saying

'I can't Haya. I can't be friends with you. But we can be strict professionals. No bad blood but no budding friendship either. That's the maximum I can be with you!!!' I said firmly and she smiled slightly and nodded.

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