Chapter 42

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'Ohhh my myyyy look at Kunwar Aditya Raj Suryavanshi arriving for a breakfast!!! It's ummmm only 9:00 am!!! Welcome Bhaisa....' Kashish made fun of him while we were all sitting at the dining table post breakfast.

'Kookiiii!!!' he raised an eyebrow while Kashish pouted and looked at Dadasa saying

'Dadasa...look at Bhaisa! I think you folks must get Bhaisa married as early as possible so that I would get to be an aunt soon. So he stops treating me like a toddler!!!' she hugged Dadasa who chuckled and then fake glared at him. But he simply looked at me with a smirk.


I got so nervous that I tried to excuse myself saying I had to get my packing done. Neiyat was getting engaged today and although I hated this stupid decision of hers, I will still her bestie, I had to be there for her and I was also concerned about Aahir. The poor guy was immensely in love with her. Six months ago Neiyat rejected his proposal and it's only when we thought he was going to overcome that heartbreak, now he had to see her getting engaged to this random guy. Aaryan was already there but I knew Aahir wouldn't open up in front of anyone so easily. His best friend Saanchi wasn't able to attend the engagement either, I had to be there for him.

I had finished packing my bags and had dressed up to get ready. I started wearing my earrings while suddenly I felt someone tying the strings of my kurta and by now I knew who it was. I smiled but suddenly his arms circled around my waist and I was alerted

'Adi....stop it!!! The door is still ajar!!!' I tried to push him away but he carelessly dug into my neck and started showering kisses on my neckline whispering

'When are you coming back?' and I narrowed my eyebrows saying

'Adiiiii...I have not even left yet!!!'

'Hannn so don't leave na!!! You know I miss you!!!' and I giggled as he rubbed his stubble to my neck.

'Neiyat is my best friend Adi. I don't like her marrying that fellow but she says she likes him!!! Can't help it!!! Have to go!!!' I said while he held both my hands and kissed my fingers but suddenly his eyebrows narrowed as he asked me instantly

'Wait a minute!! Where's the ring?' and I bit my lip looking downwards when he held my chin softly asking 'Why aren't you wearing it? You don't like it? And I turned around circling my arms around his neck facing him and said

'Nutcase!!! Why are you so cute?' and he pouted asking

'I want you to wear it always!!!' while I giggled saying

'I already am!!! It's just not on the ring finger!!!' I smiled and he asked

'Then??? Where is it?' and I smiled and tilted my neck upwards pointing him towards my gold chain. He got my action and slowly pulled the golf chain only to notice the ring hanging along with the little pendant. He smiled but suddenly asked

'But why? I told you to flaunt it!!!' while I rolled my eyes saying

'Our families are very modern Adi...but we still come from families that have grandparents and they want to see us doing this in a ceremony. So no!!! I can't wear this before that.' but he was adamant. He unhooked the chain from my neck and removed the ring and said

'I dont care. You are wearing it and it's not like I'm marrying you without their permission...Come on!!!' saying he started pushing the ring into my ring finger when a loud voice boomed into the room

'What the hell is happening??' and we froze. I turned around and saw our families. Mushi, Dadasa, Kashish, Mom and Dad... everyone was there but the man who was fuming was my paternal grandfather Rony Khanna.

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