Chapter 48

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'How can he do this Sir? And why are you keeping quiet? I don't care...I am going to call Lavanya Mam' Aman was aggressive the moment I told about Lavanya's grandfather's plans, it didn't matter even if he was on a video call still in Mumbai but he was desperate to stop this and I had to stop him.

'No!!! You aren't doing anything of that kind Aman. Today she is going to shoot her climax. It's going to be horror and emotions on a high and they have traveled to Kabini jungles to shoot that portion. It is going to drain her energy completely and I know her. The moment she learns about this, she will create a scene and may end up fighting her grandfather. And I don't want that!' I strictly denied him.

'But why Sir? You want to stop this nonsense and if Lavanya Mam can easily tackle it...then why not?' Aman sounded pissed and I took a deep breath.

'Because now that I have been with Mr Khanna I know him. He's annoying, irritating, over possessive and at times totally inappropriate. In simple terms he is one crazy old man but....he is my Lavanya's grandfather and he loves her Aman.' I said and Aman spoke up

'Sir...if he really does then he should understand his granddaughter's emotions. She had a heartbreak once, I'm sure no one wants that again for their child. I'm sorry Sir but he is being a prick!'

'Aman!!! Language. The man is atleast 5 decades elder than us. And it's his way of expressing love. That's his kinda care' I argued

'Oh come on Sir. This is pure evil. He treats you so badly and you still want to take his side!'

'That is how elders test you Aman. And I kinda hate what he does to me but he's doing it all because he loves my Lavanya and he wants to assure I'm the right one for her!'

'Well then why the new guy Sir? Get over it Sir... he's only taking his grudge! Sooner you get it... better it is...I'm still telling you and Mam are grown up independent individuals.. just stop pleasing people..just get married in a court and then no one can stop you both!!!' Aman argued and I nodded a no with a smile and said

'These people are Lavanya's family Aman. She loves them and they love her too. I have never experienced family love in my life. All I got was a pretentious step mother, a wannabe father, a manipulative brother. But Lavanya has a real family who love and care for her and are not with her for her success or position. And I don't want love to loose them. Her smile is most precious to me. I know my presence brings a smile to her lips but her family brings joy and courage to my brave girl. She needs me but she needs them more.' saying I disconnected the call and turned around to find a man with thick white beard, three piece Armani suit and a lion faced walking stick with black framed glasses leaning towards the kitchen wall with a smirk on his lips and I was shocked seeing him there.

DK...Aka The one and the only
Dev Kapoor aka Devil himself was standing infront of me.

I gulped at once. He looked so dynamic even in his eighties. I didn't know how to react but he walked closer and said

'Indeed Lavanya's dracula!!!' he said and I hesitantly smiled greeting him...

'Ummm you must be-'

'DK...Dev Kapoor... Lavanya's first boyfriend everrrr!!!' he said and I nodded saying

'I am Lavanya's one and only fiance!!!' and he smiled saying

'Posessive!!! Interesting...Anyways...I'm glad you don't hate your grandfather in law so much. I know he's a little gone case since he's getting older but trust me, he's a softie at heart!!!' saying he slowly leaned on the kitchen island and I hesitantly smiled saying

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