Chapter 23

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I kept playing with the pen as the security folks were shivering and stuttering as Aman asked them again

'I am asking this the last time. Upon whose ok was the herd of reporters allowed inside?' and the security head softly said

'Sir we are again telling you. Every entry was a legal one. They had their pass and only after verifying their pass IDs were issued to them. Trust us Sir!!! There were no surprise visitors!!!' saying this time he showed us the tablet showing us the checklist of all the visitors and the database looked green. He was ready to argue with them again when we heard a voice saying

'Aman Sir!!! Stop interrogating them. These are the reporters who were supposed to take Lavanya Mam's interview for a popular magazine. They were supposed to be coming post lunch but it looks like they arrived early. No one is at fault here!!!'. Aman and I were shocked listening to Shravya's confession.

Dismissing the security team Aman said
'Sir... Don't worry I will make sure none of the photographs come out.' I nodded and then I walked towards Shravya asking
'How is she?' and Shravya pressed her lips thin and then answered saying

'She is worried. She didn't talk to anyone. Not even me.'

'Can I talk to her?' I asked calmly when she said

'Sir when she is so upset...she prefers to talk to someone back home. He helps her sort her mind out!!!' and listening to a 'he'. Shravya left and I raised my eyebrows asking Aman

'Who is this 'he'? I want more details...Go check with Haya or Shravya!!!' and he nodded 'Oh ok Sir!!!'

'I don't know much about her family Sir but all I heard from whatever Shravya and Haya were speaking was that he is probably her very first boyfriend!!! That's not much of a info I guess Sssssir' Aman shivered in fear looking at me and I fisted my fingers and I was pissed to no limits.

She was going to discuss whatever happened between me and her in that caravan with her first boyfriend? What the actual fuck?

'Where the heck is she?' I asked and Aman said...

'Ummm...she....we saw her going to the office terrace Sir...maybe upst-' and before he could speak further I barged towards the terrace area. I was so impatient that I didn't even wait for the elevator. Panting and breathing excessively I reached the terrace and I noticed her lush long hair flying carelessly. She was still in that same saree and the rear end of her saree kept flying in the air making her look so gorgeous.

Focus Adi Focus!!! You are pissed with her.

I noticed she was on a phone call talking something to someone and just the thought that she is probably discussing our private moment with her ex-boyfriend got on my nerves. Who is it? Adhik?? Or someone else???

I started moving closer to her when I heard her say

'I miss you!!! I miss everyone...I just want to leave everything and come back as soon as possible! I don't know what is happening here but I just want to come back you...I miss our good old days...why did I have to grow up and come so far away...I'm so incompetent. I haven't done one thing right in life. Ah all this mess...ughhhh! Why do I only make wrong decisions in life?' And listening to that last line broke my heart so badly. The moments we spent with each other...the kiss... that feel of our bodies against each other...our tears and pain which I believed even she felt seemed like a lie. One sided. But then why did she respond to the kisses? She kissed my neck...was that all just in the heat of the moment?

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