Chapter 21

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'Bhaisa...I missed you so much!!!' he hugged me tightly and I hugged him back. I had invited him to one of my five star hotels because I wanted some personal time with him.

'Sit down Adhik!!! Have dinner with me!' saying I started serving him some Biryani. He hesitantly denied complaining about his strict diet schedule for his next project. I nodded and served him some salad. He happily chewed upon it and started asking me about my work and my health.

He spoke about his new project, his movie release and much more but he didn't utter a word about Maddham and that kind of looked weird to me. It's not even been a  month since he was engaged and he spoke about everything except his relationship.

Post dinner we walked towards the infinity pool area on the terrace which had two chairs and a small table of drinks been arranged in case we prefer to drink a peg or two but I wanted to stay sober so I avoided drinks and simply took an easy chair next to him.

'How are things between you and your fiance Adhik?' and he suddenly shifted a little uncomfortably but tried to dodge the question giving silly reasons and I looked at him in the eye asking

'Adhik! Yours and Mine is the only honest relationship I ever earned in my life. So don't malign it. Are you really happy with this engagement?' I asked and he stood up and walked towards the pool and slowly sat down there dipping his foot into the pool and huffed confessing

'I don't know Bhaisa!!! Maddham is beautiful. She is successful and she's also a perfect woman. Our fans love our chemistry. They think we are perfect for each other. The reason why they cast us in every project as a couple...But...' he hesitated to proceed but I whispered

'But you don't love her!!!' I said and he didn't respond to it however in a few seconds added

'I don't know Bhaisa!!! Honestly I don't know!!! She's nice but somehow our chemistry... although it looks real and fierce to our viewers...I somehow don't...I....I... somehow...I don't...I don't feel the comfort. It is all hot and physical. She's really hot and desirable but I don't know why I-'

'Is it because you are still in love with Miss Lavanya Khanna?' I asked directly and he was shocked.

'Bhaisa....I...uh....It's not-'

'Its the first time you had hidden something from me Adhik. That too for 5 long years! Every time I heard about you and her, you said it's a rumour but it wasn't am I correct?' I asked and he gulped nervously.

'She.... she was good Bhaisa but she was too conservative. She wasn't my type... she wanted more from this relationship Bhai...she wanted me to name it. She wanted me to acknowledge it but our fans hated her a lot. And you know our financial background. I don't know anything about her family. She's too private. Imagine Bhaisa...your girlfriend whom you know for five big years doesn't want to get physical with you before marriage. I mean this is madness Bro!!! I don't know..' he said and I raised an eyebrow asking

'Sex alone doesn't define the solidarity of a relationship Adhik? It's her belief system and if you truly loved her you must have respected her emotions. Anyways...I wanted to ask you in your face...Do you still love her?' and his face turned serious but next second he burst out laughing saying

'Are you crazy bro? I mean she's someone whom you need to keep in a museum. Dating her involves you to become a family man. In fact it involves you being a saint and I'm sorry I am not a saint!' he said laughing out loud.

I stood up from my seat saying
'Good!!! Because I am a straightforward person Adhik. I love you and the reason why I don't want to step over your life. I just wanted to make sure you aren't involved with Miss Khanna!!!' I said and he laughed loudly saying

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