Chapter 49

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'Mr Bharath Kumar...Miss Lavanya and even a few other actresses blamed you, you were even arrested but now again you are calling her out!!!' said the reporter in the press conference Bharath had called to prove his point.

'I am!!! I will always speak up the truth. This woman and many others complained against me but then if all that was true why was I bailed out? It's because it's fake!!! It's just fake allegations which have always been honest about my work. It's this lady who's blaming me with rubbish allegat-' his voice died the minute he saw me entering the room where he was barking nonsense about my girl.

The moment he saw me, he started stammering and the next second media folks looked at me. I stood there glaring at the filth who sat on the dias.

'ARS...Mr ARS...Bharath Kumar says this about Miss Lavanya have been associated with her for a long time. What is your opinion about Miss Lavanya Khanna???'

'Mr Bharath Kumar has accused Miss Khanna of being involved with you is it true Sir???'

'Sir...did Miss Lavanya offer you sexual favours if you offered her a role in her movie? Is that the reason inspite of you leaving ARS Production House, you continue to invest under Mr Khandelwals Production House specifically for this movie??? Is it because of the movie or Miss Lavanya??? Please answer!!!'

Media kept hounding me with various questions and in return Aman walked up on the dias and started speaking

'Hello everyone...We are aware that you all are surprised to see my boss Mr Aditya Raj Suryavanshi here...but he is here to answer all your questions but for that please maintain some silence please!!!' and I slowly walked up the dias when Aman and my men put up a projector and got the laptop setup. Bharath kept staring at me nervously but however when I started walking up the dias he whispered in my ear

'Dont do anything stupid Suryavanshi!!! Your family will have to pay for your stupidities!!! Don't forget your old father is undergoing a treatment in a foreign country!!!' he threatened and I grit my teeth and shot him a look.

I walked up the dias and started displaying the pictures, audio recordings and videos which left the media shocked. There were pictures of Bharath's filthy messages and voice recordings that he sent to various ladies in this industry asking for sexual favours. My team had made sure to blur the girls names and email addresses but those messages were enough to show what a filthy man he was.

'This is all a's a lie!!! He is fabricating all this!!! I'm going to sue him in the court!!!' he said and I chuckled and looked at Aman who smirked and moved the mouse to the next folder which had copies of various actresses who were ready to come infront of the camera and speak up how they exploited them. These were famous faces and this gave a bump to the case.

'Rubbish!!! They are all paid!!! And why is he showing you all this? The issue is that Miss Khanna's Grandfather has tried to threaten me...what proofs do you have to nullify that? Miss Khanna is a manipulative lady and she is with Mr Suryavanshi because she is his-'

'Fiance!!! Miss Lavanya Khanna is my fiance and that is the reason I am staying in Bangalore. We are busy with our marriage preparations!!!' I announced in one go leaving the media shocked. Even Bharath was shocked hearing that.

I looked at the media people and asked
'Lavanya and I are in a relationship since years. Infact we were engaged even before she accepted to do the movie under Bharath Kumar. Mr Bharath Khanna calls is sexual favours and exploitation where as I call it our bond. Is it wrong to stay along with your fiance in a house specially when you have really odd schedules and never get time with each other? Entertainment industry people work as hard as an engineer or a doctor!!! At times we work 48-72 hours in one go to make sure the episodes are banked up. We don't get time with each other so if we spend time with each other in a house why should we answer the whole world? Isn't our family the only bunch of people who should care??? Our grandparents are childhood friends and our marriage was fixed ages ago.' I announced and the media was shocked and continued the gossip while I smirked and looked at Aman who smiled and put up an old picture of Dadasa, Dadisa, Mushi and Mucha...It was a collage of their college, wedding and their middle age photographs and media kept clicking pictures of that slide.

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